Chapter 42

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Monday came too soon. By the time they had cleared away their luggage and had sorted out the gifts, it was Sunday afternoon again. To mark the end of their vacation, Grisha took her to Harry's, who promptly donated champagne when learning of their engagement.

So, come Monday, Grisha was alert, but not as alert as he would've been without champagne and a longer night's sleep. Dee chuckled at his sleepy head as he strolled into the kitchen. "You okay?" she asked, handing him a cup of tea.

Grisha mumbled something she didn't understand. Then, finally, his eyes seemed to open. "That last glass was a bad idea."

"You're just saying that because it's Monday and you need to go to work."

"Maybe," he relented, "but maybe it's because saying goodbye to you for the first time in three weeks doesn't help, either."

"You're sweet." She pressed a kiss to his lips. "But, I have things to do today as well, so whether or not you're going into work, I'm not going to be home." She ducked under his arm to open the fridge. "Soy or regular yoghurt?"

"Regular." He looked around. "No paper?"

"On the porch." On his way to the door, he threw over his shoulder: "What exactly are you going to do today, then?"

"I am going to work through my emails, since my inbox has been neglected for at least a month." She added nuts and fruit to the yogurt and put a bagel in the toaster. "I texted Jess last night, who is home, thankfully, so we're having lunch today. And then, I'm going location scouting for both Indulge and our new house."

He grinned, digging into his breakfast. "Already? We've been home for two days."

Taking a seat across from him, she shrugged. "I know. But I want to get a head start. So I hope there is an email from the insurance company, and I'm going to look for something smaller then what we had. And once I find a new location for the café, we can start looking for houses too. I know you don't want to commute longer than I do."

"Alright. Don't you need to go shopping for the wedding?"

"Ours?" The confusion was evident on her face. "Already?"

"Well, I don't know how long you want to wait... But no, not ours. Marty and Kensi's? It's only two weeks away."

Taking another spoonful of yoghurt, she nodded as she went back to the toaster for his bagel. "I don't think I need something, but let me sort out everything I've brought back and see if I can put something together. You, on the other hand, need something."

He watched her as she spread cream cheese on the bagel and shook his head. "I'm sure Hetty will have something in the wardrobe."

Raising her eyebrow, Dee stopped what she was doing. "As in: it's more convenient to let Hetty figure out what you're going to wear? Not happening mister, we are going shopping."

Taking the bagel out of her hand, he pressed a kiss to her nose. "I'm not going to have time to shop."

Crossing her arms, Dee squinted at him. "We'll make time to shop. Really babe, the only suit you own is in need of replacement, and I'm not going to let you show up in a pair of jeans."

He laughed, giving in. "Fine, we'll go shopping."

"I knew you'd come around." Smiling, she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Enjoy your day. Be careful. Text me if you're on your way home so I can have dinner on the table. And say hi to everyone from me."

"I will." He kissed her long and thoroughly. "Say hi to Jess for me. I love you."

"I love you more."

His trip to work was uneventful as ever, and Kensi and Deeks pulled up next to him as he parked the car. They both grinned at him. "Look who's back!"

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