Chapter 22

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"Babe, stop fidgeting."

His hand stilled above his sling. "How do you know that?"

"I know you."

"You're on the phone. You can't even see me."

Dee shifted gears and turned a corner. "You have that distracted tone again. It means you're fidgeting. Stop being nervous. There's nothing to be nervous about. They'll love you."

"I don't have anything to offer you."

Sighing, Dee shook her head, knowing he'd pick up on it. "Babe, we've been over this. I don't care about the luxuries. I've got all I ever wanted. My parents are going to be happy because I am happy."

"We can't tell them about my job."

"You work in security."

"What are they going to say about my past?"

"They're going to admire that you've made something of yourself, despite everything that's happened."

"What are they going to think of the house?"

"They'll love the house because we love the house."

"My arm?"

"Anybody can have an accident." She parked the car and turned the engine off. "Grisha, stop putting yourself down. There's nothing to be ashamed of." She muttered something he didn't get.

"What was that?"


He wasn't going to get her get away with it. "No, what?"

Taking a chance, she came out with it. "Start living up to the image of the husband that I have in my head, okay? He looks exactly like you, but with a bit more confidence."

That startled him. Husband? She honestly thought he was husband material? "Husband? Me?"

"Love of my life, husband, father of my children. Preferably all three."

He could hear her smile. "Okay." He could live with that. "Okay." If she thought that highly of him, maybe it was time that he started to believe in himself a bit more, too. His worries put at ease, for now, he let her go. "Go and get your parents. I'll go downstairs and see if Jess can use my help. Or at least, my company."

"You do that. Make yourself useful for a change." Looking up, she handed her car keys over to the valet and went inside. "I'll see you in a little bit. I'll be home in time for lunch. We'll do dinner with them tomorrow."

"Yes." The next words out of his mouth were becoming a habit. "Be careful. I love you."

"I love you, too." With a smile, she disconnected the phone and greeted the receptionist. "Good morning, Frank."

"Good morning, Ms. Barrow. How are you?"

"Wonderful, Frank, thank you." Toying with her sunglasses in one hand, she straightened her skirt with the other. "Did they have a good trip?"

"According to your mother, everything was lovely. She seemed well rested."

"Yes, well, my mother is not one to worry about things, except for me. How was papa?"

"Mr. Barrow seemed a bit stressed, but I believe that everything was better this morning. They're having breakfast on the patio."

Deja nodded, taking the key card he offered. "Still the Stone Canyon suite, Frank?"

"As always, Ms. Barrow."

Fondly, she reached over and tapped his hand. "Thank you for the wonderful service, as always. I'll go and greet them."

No Ordinary Love - G.Callen NCIS L.AWhere stories live. Discover now