X. A New Vision

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"At the party? Really?" Arabelle says as she sticks a pair of silver earrings into her earlobes.

"Yeah," I say, totally guilty for not telling her sooner. The whole town knows about Noelani's party, of course, but no one knows about the huge announcement that she plans to make.

"And you didn't think to tell me this earlier?"

I wince. I know I've waited until the last possible minute– the party is literally in half an hour.

"I'm sorry, Arabelle. I wanted to, I just..." I trail off, not quite sure what to say.

"Did Noelani ask you not to say something?"

"No," I admit.

She glares. "So you just decided not to tell me. What's the point of saying anything now?"

"Because I didn't want to blindside you. I'm sorry," I repeat. "I know I should have told you sooner."

I haven't told Arabelle about a lot of things– like the weird fight Noelani and I had the other day or the fact that the mayor has signed her life to mine. I haven't told Arabelle about any of it because I don't want to talk about it. Talking about it means thinking about all of the questionable life choices I've made recently and I just can't open that can of worms right now.

Arabelle sighs, dropping the subject. "We have to get going. Are you ready?"

I frown, glancing down at my dark blue romper. It's definitely much more appropriate than the last time I dressed up. I even went out and got a pair of strappy sandals to match.

"I'm ready."

Arabelle doesn't speak to me the entire walk to Noelani's house. I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't even notice until I ask her a question and she blatantly ignores me.

Okay, I've definitely fucked up here.

Before I can say anything about it, we reach the gigantic gray mansion and Arabelle beelines towards the tall black gate that will lead us into the mayor's backyard. I follow after her, but by the time I enter the party she is nowhere to be found.

I've got to hand it to Noelani, she sure knows how to throw a party. I've never seen her backyard before and it is surprisingly huge– large enough to throw a party for the entire town, at least. The space is decorated with beautiful lanterns, each flickering like oversized fireflies in the fading light. I have no doubt that the yard will be breathtaking once the sun fully sets.

Most of the town is already here, mingling excitedly in the late afternoon sun. Moonwake has been buzzing about the mayor's party for days. They are just dying to know what the mayor is going to announce.

"Miss Wilde," a voice calls out. I know who it is before I turn around– only one person calls me that.

"Mayor Desai," I say once our eyes meet.

She's breathtaking, dressed in a black form-fitting dress and a pair of tall heels. She's always wearing heels, making me wonder how tall she really is. I don't know what it is about this particular dress, but she looks stunning in it. It makes no sense– she wears garments like this all the time for Deities sake. Why am I so enamored by this one?

Noelani holds my gaze, a subtle smile gracing her features. She never used to smile at me– things have been weird since our last encounter in her office.

"Hello, Mila," Thomas says from Noelani's side.

My eyes snap to him as I notice him standing there for the first time. I suddenly feel like I've been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

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