XXVIII. The Detour

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We make it to the capital just before sundown. It turns out that getting into the castle is simple enough when your search party is led by the Nirasian princess herself. Noelani sneaks us in easily and then makes the decision to split up– three people walking around the castle is a lot easier to hide than six. Noelani, Cleo, and Silas leave to search the east wing leaving Sorgin, Arabelle, and I in the west wing.

Arabelle shoots me a strange look when I don't argue to go with Noelani. I roll my eyes at her, but I'm secretly relieved when she doesn't say anything out loud about it.

Noelani announced her plan to the others this morning, and as I predicted they were completely fine with the idea of going undetected. I'd even say that they were relieved. And while I respect and support Noelani's decision to avoid Reina altogether, there's something I need to take care of while we're here. Something that should be dealt with sooner rather than later.

I'm going to convince Queen Reina to rip up the Promise she has with Noelani.

I still hope to convince Noelani that there's another way– she doesn't have to kill her own mother to take the throne. Even so, the contract has to end. Noelani's life should not be tied to Reina's any longer.

Noelani would kill me if she knew what I was planning. But how could I not? All of the pieces are falling perfectly in place.

As a former Knight, Sorgin knows the castle just as well as Noelani. He can get me exactly where I need to go.

But just to be safe, I wait ten minutes to make my move. The three of us begin our search cautiously. Sorgin leads Arabelle and I through the decorated hallways with ease, making sure to keep an eye out for trouble.

I look around, not finding one bit of the stony walls the least bit familiar. One would think I could find my way around with the number of visions I've had in this place.

"Sorgin," I whisper, stopping the sorcerer in his tracks. "Noelani said that Morla and Cormak are most likely in the east wing. We could be using our time more efficiently."

"Mila," Arabelle protests. "You heard what Noelani said. We're supposed to find Morla and Cormak and then get out of here. Undetected."

"We will," I reason. "I'm just saying that we could be more useful. We're here– we should take advantage of this opportunity."

Sorgin stares at me in the silent, calculating way I've begun to expect from him. I hold my breath impatiently– I'm going to go ahead with my plan either way, but having Sorgin's help will make a huge difference.

"What do you have in mind?" he asks gruffly.

"I want to confront the queen," I admit.

"Mila!" Arabelle whisper-yells.

Sorgin frowns. "That's risky," he says, shaking his head. "You better have a good reason 'cause a death wish is the only one I can think of."

My ears heat up. I can't tell the truth. No one knows about Noelani and Reina's Promise– I can't betray her trust.

But there's still another order of business that needs to be addressed.

"We should make sure that Morla hasn't opened the Niraki for the queen," I say instead. "You heard Evadne– something will have to be done if Reina gains access to it."

Arabelle groans at the same time Sorgin sighs. "Morla can tell us herself once we find her," he says.

"Unless the other group finds them first," I argue. "By then it'll be too late to do anything– we'll be out of the castle already."

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