XXIX. The Messenger

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The hitchstone transports me into a familiar ballroom, although I've only visited this place in a vision. It's the same ballroom I watched Noelani dance in all those months ago.

Deities, that vision seems like a lifetime ago now.

Couples fly past me on the dance floor, dressed in brightly-colored robes. I'm wearing a dancing gown that I would never pick out for myself. The underskirt is a satiny yellow-green with a sheer overcoat in a darker green. It's not the color that bothers me, but the size of the dress. It's huge. How am I supposed to move in this thing? Let alone dance.

A tap on my shoulder catches my attention. I turn around carefully, attempting to avoid the embarrassment of tripping on my oversized gown.

"Amietta, you look beautiful."

The voice takes me by surprise. I feel my throat constrict with tears.

I don't believe my eyes at first. Then I get a look at his light brown hair and piercing green eyes. I'm hit with the memory of how his eyes used to crinkle at the corners when he was happy.

"Papa?" I manage to choke out.

My father nudges my side playfully and grabs my arms, pulling me into a short embrace. I struggle to let go as he pulls away and begins to lead me to the dance floor.

"We have to sneak in a dance before she gets here," he tells me nonchalantly– like it's completely normal to be having a casual conversation with the daughter he hasn't seen in over ten years.

He's supposed to be gone.

Suddenly, I'm spinning on the dance floor. I stumble a little and panic– I have no idea how to ballroom dance.

"Relax," Papa whispers in my ear. "Trust your instincts, Amietta. We both know those dance lessons you've been taking have paid off."

What lessons?

He chuckles, giving me a warm smile as he maneuvers to twirl me again. This time I manage to relax and fall into the dance, although I have never taken a dance lesson in my life. I magically seem to know all of the steps.

"Has Noelani seen you in that dress yet?" He asks me with a teasing smirk.

I blush a deep red. "What? Papa!"

He chuckles again, and I take a moment to relish the sound.

"What? I know she picked it out for you. You couldn't dress properly for a ball to save your life."

I roll my eyes. "Why would you care what Noelani thinks of my dress?"

"Can't a man enjoy seeing his only daughter be happy?"

"W-what?" I stammer, my heart skipping a beat.

"Come on, Ami– I see the way you look at her. You think I can't tell when my daughter's in love?"


"You have walked to the end of the earth with that woman," he continues. "Fighting for each other, supporting each other through your toughest times. You revolutionized the entire province together and yet you haven't revealed your true feelings to each other. Deities, you've already tied your lives together in every other possible way. If it's not love you two share, I must not know the meaning of the word. What's keeping your heart locked up, my daughter?"

I feel my eyes well up with tears. I sniffle, trying desperately to keep them from falling.

"It's not that simple, Papa," I admit sadly. It's so much easier to say it to him than to admit it to myself. "I don't belong in this world. I grew up alone in a world far away from castles and royalty and magic. Noelani loves this province," I whisper sadly. "I wouldn't just be committing to Noelani, I would be committing to Nirasus too. I know nothing about being a leader."

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