XXXIX. The Gift of Clarity

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Freya barrels into my cabin at her normal time, apparently not at all surprised to see Noelani in bed with me. Noelani and I, however, are more than shocked when Enya and Ettiana follow closely behind. I scramble to cover us up while simultaneously yelling at everyone to get out of the room.

Enya chuckles and winks at me. I scowl long enough for her to usher everyone out of the room.

Once we are alone, Noelani grabs my waist, pulling me into her with a light chuckle.

"You are such a prude, my love," she whispers against my lips before kissing me lightly.

I close my eyes, letting the moment wash over me.

And then I process her words.

I pull back with a scowl. "Excuse me for keeping my mother from seeing you naked," I scoff.

She chuckles, climbing out of bed to search for her clothes. I do the same, tossing her a pair of clean trousers and a short, black tunic.

"So you're the only one allowed to see me naked?" she asks.

I take a seat at the dining table, watching as Noelani braids her hair using the tiny mirror on the wall next to the bed.

I flush. "I, um..."

She turns over her shoulder, catching my eye. "Relax. I'm only teasing you."

I frown. "I think we need to have that talk now."

She pauses, lowering her hands from her hair and giving me her full attention.

"Okay," she says evenly. "I think you're right."

She sits across from me at the table, her chocolate eyes piercing me expectantly.

I swallow nervously. "If this is going to work," I start. "We need to be on the same page."

She nods, urging me to continue.

"I love you," I say. "I'm just so unsure of our future. I mean, how do we make this work? You're going to be queen of Nirasus. I don't know how I fit into your life."

"You'll be queen with me," she says.

Not this again.

I shake my head. "I can't lead the province because I'm in love with you, Noelani."

"Why not?" she asks.

"B-because," I stutter.

She sighs. "Look, Mila. Leading Nirasus is my responsibility. I don't mean to push that on you. When I asked you to take the throne with me, I couldn't admit that it was because I wanted to keep you in my life. I thought I could hide my feelings by pretending it was just sex, and when that didn't work, I tried to make our relationship purely professional instead. It was wrong of me to do that and I'm sorry." She reaches across the table, taking my hands in hers. "This time apart has helped me realize that you were right– love is not a weakness. It's power. A type of power that my mother knows nothing about. Our connection gives me strength. I'm certain that there's no one else, Mila. You're it for me," she says softly. "And you don't have to be crowned right away. I think you would make an excellent queen– and I'm not saying that just because I'm in love with you. Still, that is a decision you should make for yourself."

That sounds... serious.

How did our roles change so quickly? Wasn't I the one begging her for commitment just a few days ago?

"So what? You want me as a trophy wife?"

Noelani scowls at my joke, clearly not finding it funny.

"We can figure our dynamic out in time," she says. "You can be as involved with the crown as you want. Or not at all. I just want you in my life. You make me a stronger person, Mila– I'm going to need that when I'm queen."

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