XX. Arabelle's Disapproval

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I find Arabelle out by the garden. She sits on a large, flat rock, staring blankly at the ruins of what used to be my mother's pride and joy. The garden is completely overgrown. Overripe vegetables spill from wild vines as summer has already begun to bleed into fall.

What a waste.

"I swear I meant to tell you," I blurt out when I catch up to her.

Arabelle sighs. "I'm not mad, Mila– I lost my composure back there. I'm just worried for you. Promises can be risky, and I don't think that you should trust Noelani with something like that."

"It's Noelani who has put her life at risk," I remind her. "And I only did this because I didn't trust her in the first place. She wanted to show me that it was safe to let her teach me magic."

It sounds stupid now. I know Noelani– she wouldn't hurt me. But back then, she was nothing but a terrifying sorcerer capable of a multitude of unknown horrors. Now she's just Noelani– destined ruler of the Nirasian crown. I respect her and what she plans to do. Maybe I could even consider her a friend.

"Still, you should be careful, Mila." Arabelle hesitates, clearly wanting to say something else. "I was in love once," she practically whispers.

I nod, confused as to why she's bringing it up now.

I must've been ten when Arabelle rushed over to Roselak one midsummer day. She spent the entire evening excitedly ranting about something– someone– to my parents. My father smiled widely and pulled her into a bear hug. They spent a long time out on the porch that night, celebrating with a couple bottles of ale. My father was practically Arabelle's older brother, so his approval meant the world to her.

Later that night I asked my mother why Aunty Arabelle was so happy. I remember how her eyes glazed over. It was as if she was no longer in the room as she whispered, "Arabelle has fallen in love."

I complained that I didn't know why that would make her happy. Mama just smiled again and told me that I would understand one day and that love is something to be cherished– it's something worth fighting for.

"I remember," I tell Arabelle. "You seemed very happy."

Arabelle wipes at her cheek. Still, a stray tear rolls down her chin. "You asked me if I remembered how I got in the hitchstone," she says. "I didn't want to tell you."

I nod, silently waiting for her to continue.

"She was a Knight. My lover, I mean. I fell hard– and fast." She pauses to wipe another tear. "I thought I could trust her. It wasn't even a question in my mind. I ignored so many fucking signs, Mila. She had signed a Sorcerer's Promise for the queen. It bothered me, but she just kept telling me that it was standard procedure." Arabelle laughs bitterly. "She told me that she was trying to retire. She was going to get the queen to end her contract so we could be together. She told me a lot of things that weren't true, I guess."

"What happened?" I ask after she goes silent for a moment.

"When Ettiana told me her plan I asked Cassia to help me sneak her into the castle. She agreed and everything went smoothly until–" Arabelle chokes on a sob and takes a deep breath.

I rush forward, pulling my friend into a hug. She cries on my shoulder while I rub small circles on her back. "It's okay," I tell her. "You don't have to finish."

She shakes her head and pulls away. "I need to," she tells me as she sniffles.

I conjure a tissue and hand it to her.

"She completely betrayed me," Arabelle says once she's calmed down a bit. "She told the queen about our plan."

"That's terrible."

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