XXXIII. A Familiar Face

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Evadne prepares us the best that she can for our long journey, giving us three horses and all the information she has about Folnar. Which, unfortunately, isn't much.

It takes us several weeks to reach the border, but the travel is relatively easy. Our biggest obstacle is making sure that no one recognizes Noelani, which gets easier the further north we travel. Northern Nirasus isn't nearly as populated as the south is.

Once we reach the border, however, things will get more difficult. We'll be traveling blindly, relying on the directions of the Northern natives. That is if they even agree to help us.

"Do you think that's the border up there?" Noelani asks suddenly. It's been silent between the three of us for hours now. The intrusion on my thoughts is a little unsettling.

"I'm not sure," I say after a moment of squinting in the direction she was pointing. "Let's take a break in case it is."

We've been riding since dawn without rest. I need a moment to collect myself before we enter the most dangerous leg of our journey. I think we all do.

"Good idea," Ettiana agrees, slowing her horse and pulling off towards the side of the road.

The three of us sit in silence, sorting out our sore muscles and snacking on some of the dried fruit I've conjured for us. I almost nod off, my back to a tree as I watch the late afternoon sun slowly dip closer to the horizon.

"How long do you think it'll take us to travel through Folnar?" Noelani asks impatiently.

Ettiana frowns. "I'm not sure."

Noelani sighs sadly. "I should've been more careful– I should've never taken that stupid hitchstone."

I turn towards her, my sympathy showing on my face. "Noelani..."

"The invasion isn't your fault," Ettiana says firmly. "You couldn't have known. Besides, you are not responsible for the vile actions of your mother. She is in the wrong here– not you, Noelani."

Noelani sniffles and Ettiana sighs. "Come here, child."

She pulls the princess into a hug. I find myself turning away, uncomfortable at the sight.

After a minute they pull away and Ettiana's eyes find mine. She stands up, noticing my discomfort.

"I'll be back," she says softly. "I'm going to go for a quick walk."

Once she's disappeared into the forest, Noelani calls my name.

"She's right," I tell the princess. "It's not your fault."

"Look– I've know Ettiana a long time–"

I hold up a hand to stop her. "I know," I say. "You have your own relationship with her. I'm not angry," I promise.

Noelani nods, studying me closely.

"I'm trying to forgive her," I admit. "I'm just having a hard time letting her in."

Noelani sighs, folding up her pouch of dried fruit and placing it back into her bag.

"That's understandable," she says. "There's no rush, Mila. You have as long as it takes for you to forgive her. What's important is that she's here. She's trying to show you how sorry she is."


I jump about a foot in the air, my wide-eyed gaze meeting Noelani's. That sounded a lot like Ettiana, and she didn't sound happy.

I spring to my feet, grabbing my sword and pushing myself towards the commotion. I don't have to look back to know that Noelani is right behind me. I can feel her on my heels, hands raised and full of magic.

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