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King of my Heart

Chapter Nine: The Man with a Plan, and the Hair.

"Things you can't explain, the stars and the hurricanes. Could've swallowed you up, but you got to stay."

-Vampires, Tommy Lefroy

Aaren and Caleb had been sitting in the living room with Max and Lucas for about an hour now

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Aaren and Caleb had been sitting in the living room with Max and Lucas for about an hour now. All Caleb wanted to do was finally watch Grease with Lucas. Still, Aaren insisted on ensuring Lucas understood precisely what role the Wang family would play in everything with the Upside Down. Billy had insisted on going home, desperate to exist in his house, not used to it being quiet.

"Alright, Lu, I'm going to give you a rapid-fire explanation because I'm tired of having to explain this."

"Caleb, you've explained this literally one time, and Piper did most of the talking." Max reminded her best friend, reaching out to poke him in the side, but she retracted her hand, remembering the bruises that littered Caleb's side. She instead reached out to fix his glasses. They were sitting crooked on his face.

"Yeah, yeah." Caleb brushed off Max's words.

"So, Rennie and I are witches. Spells and potions yada yada." Aaren facepalmed at Caleb's explanation, but Lucas nodded eagerly. "Our mom is also a witch. She mostly focuses on Earth magic. So keep the balance of things make sense?"

Lucas nodded once again. He was keeping up so far.

"Now our dad is a necromancer. Aaren's magic takes after that side of the family. He's a banshee. But, unfortunately, he knows when someone will die. Quite a lovely scream he has. Really gets the glass around him going."

"Caleb!" Aaren was absolutely mortified with how Caleb was explaining everything.

"What?" Caleb asked Aaren, his arms held out by his side in a questioning stance.

When Aaren didn't answer, he continued explaining. "I'm an empath, which, if you don't know what it is, I have no hope for you." Finally, Max couldn't take it anymore. She burst out laughing, holding her sides.

"Leb, darling, you are awful at explaining things." Caleb huffed at his best friend. He turned to Lucas, grabbing his shoulders.

"Lu, please tell me you get everything, or else I'm going to get bullied for the rest of my life by Max and Rennie."

Lucas's face lifted into a smile as he reassured Caleb.

"Don't worry, Cal, I get it. But how did you guys know to come to Hawkins from California?"

"Oh! Our mom was Joyce's roommate in college. One day, she called her asking for advice about how to get Will to open up about everything that happened last year. Mom managed to get Joyce to spill the beans, then we moved out here to help." Caleb shrugged as he explained nonchalantly, standing up to go and turn on the TV.

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