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King of my Heart

Chapter Thirteen: The Start of Something New

"From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes, I waited ages to see you there."

-You're On Your Own Kid, Taylor Swift

Caleb Wang is a lot of things, but uncertain was something he's never been before

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Caleb Wang is a lot of things, but uncertain was something he's never been before. He glared at the selection of ties lying on his bed. Maybe if he stared hard enough one of them would make the decision for him.

"Leb! He's not going to suddenly stop liking you based on your tie. Pick one and let's go!" Max called up the stairs, she had been ready for at least twenty minutes now. Caleb groaned in frustration and settled for just unbuttoning the top two buttons of his dress shirt without a tie. He then stomped his way down the stairs, fixing his glasses as he came down.

"But you weren't there last night Max. I had to beg him to even sit on the same half of the couch with me! Then he sat there stiff as a board."

Max sighed and then walked over to place her hands on Caleb's shoulders, having to look up at him now. He had a growth spurt after everything that happened two months ago, so now Max can't drag him anywhere without Caleb tripping over his own feet.

"Caleb, he's just a boy. He's a little stupid. Just let him come to you, and if he doesn't then he sucks and you move on. Okay?" Caleb nodded, taking in a deep breath.

"Buddy, have you thought of getting a read on his emotions when he acts like that?"

Aaren voiced as he came into the living room, shrugging on a leather jacket. Caleb face palmed immediately at his older brother's words. Max following suit realizing that Caleb had in fact, not done that.

"Leb," Max scolded smacking his shoulder. "You're literally an empath, why didn't you just read his emotions?"

"I'm just a boy, I'm a little stupid."

Laughter filled the room, Piper and Johnny coming to stand in the doorway watching the scene with soft smiles on their faces. The aftermath of everything from two months ago had been a tough transition. Caleb often times had nightmares and Aaren had become even more jumpy than he already was. But poor Max was going through another big change.

Her step-father had been arrested and was going to spend most of the rest of his life behind bars. Max had made the decision with the Wang family fairly soon after they had closed the gate. Aaren had tracked Billy down to get his opinion on the matter, Billy told him to fuck off. However, Billy is eighteen so, legally, he was on his own. The Wang family had offered them a room in their home, but he had refused. Instead Max was the one to move in, her mom taking off when her marriage fell apart, leaving Max in the care of the Wang's with a promise to come back. None of them knew if she would make good on that promise.

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