10. Electrocuted With Consent?

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August's POV

Tasha sits in silence next to me. A little too close for my liking, but I'm not about to say anything. 

You see, my circle of trust is small. Abby, Peter, MJ and Ned. I don't trust 'Question Marks' or 'Сестра Bullet Saver'. I want to trust 'Bullet Saver,' but she's just an online friend. To trust someone who knows little about you is obviously stupid.

Abigail should be here soon.

"So..." Can this woman please just stop?

I sigh, shifting just the tiniest bit away. "Yes?"

"Do you miss your family?"

I guess blunt is her style at the moment.

My entire body stops as I think about the best way to respond. Do I give her a dark chuckle or ignore her? But she's caught me off guard while I'm tired. I can't think as my brain doesn't have the energy. "Every. Fucking. Day." I respond, not processing the vulnerability I'm showing. Until I do, and my composure is back up.

Anger seeps through at some point, and questions with sarcastic remarks is all that plays through my brain. What did she think the answer would be? No, I don't miss my mom and dad, who loved me through all of my mistakes. NO. I don't miss my brother who's life had barely started. NO! I don't miss them. They were just my rock!

She nods as acknowledgement, and my hatred for her grows. But she's my favorite Avenger, she's just giving me a headache right now. I don't like her right now, but how can I hate her? 

"I remember the bombing, August."

There it is, what she was going after. She's testing the waters and my trust. How much longer will she last?

I try holding back my questions but of course it doesn't work. "What happened? Who did it? Why?"


As they say, curiosity killed the cat.

"And I think... I think I was part of it."

Everything freezes. Time freezes. I told myself the second I found out who was responsible for my family's demise I would kill them. But I'm too weak and my powers are restricted.

Everything I think about my idol, the one person I could admire without regret, changes. The one person I loved, looked up to, and saw myself in is somebody I could never bring myself to care about as of now. The one person I now feel seething hatred for in a calm, collected air.

I was told it was Hydra, then it was said to be SHIELD. Then it was Hydra again. And now it's SHIELD. The stories always toss and turn, and I don't know what to believe. But someone owning up to being a killer to the person who survived is strange. And there's every reason to protect this fact. So why would she not?

Especially when I would try attacking her. So I have to keep myself together.

"How were you apart of it, killer?"

That would hurt me, and I hope it hurts her. But she ignores my jab yet again.

"We were tasked on killing a threat. The threat being you. We thought you were in the house, but you weren't. Miscommunication killed everyone but the person targeted."

What? And why was I the threat?

I keep calm, the only strategy available until Abigail gets me out of here.

"You were after me? Why?"

"You're manifestation ability is rare and dangerous, we wanted to kill you before you could control it."

My anger will boil over soon. "You could've just trained me to be an Avenger! Not kill my family as collateral damage! And not even kill me!"

"We've never seen a power like yours!" she barks back. "It's more dangerous manifestation than the Scarlet Witch. She can't just create things out of thin air, sure, she can do somethings, but yours involves almost no brain power nor concentration. Don't you realize the extent that can lead to?"

No, I don't. I almost never use it. I hate this gift. Even worse, Hydra told me they gave it to me, and now I'm learning it's been with me this entire time. Who am I?

Keep the façade, Miller. 

Abigail runs up just in time, and stops in front of us. Interrupting a conversation I never agreed to be apart of.

You've got this, Abby.

"OMG! Black Widow! I just saw you yesterday! I can't believe it! Hiii! Who's this? Wait- Are you doing an interrogation. Or something. She's in cuffs, why's she in cuffs? Is she some bad guy? If she's a bad guy then why isn't she like in the Avengers Compound. OMG, can I go to the Compound? I promise I'll be good! I won't let you down, I could totally be a superhero!"

Her big smile has a few cracks, and I hope Tasha doesn't see. We're screwed if she does.

"Kid, please leave. I'm in the middle of something." Tasha tries, but fails.

"I can help! I can totally help! What do you need? I can punch her if you need me too! I have one hell of a swing."

Abigail Maeve Palmer, shut the actual fuck up. I'm kidding, this is great. But I would not like to be punched!

Testing the patience of one super spy is honestly quite enjoyable. Especially the super spy who killed your little brother. "No, kid. Please leave." 

"Fiiiine. But I'm like super smart. I have a lot of tech you might wanna use." Wrong move, genius.

"We have Tony Stark, no thanks."

She looks a little deflated, but gives me a small look before walking away. Oh, come on. That's your plan?

I look at Nat, and she sighs.

"That your friend?" she asks. 

Shit. She's got assumptions already. Not yet, you can't know yet.

"Somebody who wants to punch me? Fat chance, killer."

Tasha isn't as good at hiding the jab the second time around. But how am I supposed to care?

Suddenly I feel a vibration course throughout my body. It feels like a whiplash on a rollercoaster, a hit of lightning not strong enough to kill. Abby's plans suck.

Showtime, Abs. Please hurt Widow for me. She's done things I want to forget. Killed an innocent seven year old for being my brother. I learned too much, I want to forget. 

I see black dots course through my vision, and then yet again, I black out.


Nat's POV

August shakes, then falls down blacking out. What happened? Is she okay? She's okay, right?

I rush to her side and check her pulse. Oh thank god she's alive.

"There's not gonna be any bad blood, right?? Like, I still love you, but you cannot have my bestie in your prison. Like, not cool." Damnit, that's the annoying fan Abigail.

Should've never believed Manifest. She's a villain, a vigilante. A runaway fugitive. Not to be trusted.

I turn around just in time to be pushed back by some sort of... something. I'm blacking out just like Miller. Oh, and just to think I was starting to care about that little bratty misfit. Good luck, Augustine Miller. You might not be my little internet friend, but I'm still going to find you.




Of course it's Tony's fault, but of course who freakin cares???

Mind Games (Avengers Wrong Number Fugitive [Natasha Romanoff x teen])Where stories live. Discover now