30. Somehow Somebody Knows

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A/n on my other book It Starts and Ends Where Love Began it's got like almost 3000 words and this book i only write 1000 words a chapter o_o

this is going to be the climax of the book fyi, like big plot. maybe this book will be about 60 chapters then? stick around!

August's POV

Mom's missing. 

No... don't say that. 

But I want to.

She said it's okay? 

No she didn't I wanted her to.

And then I left.

And now she's missing.

Natasha's missing. Mom's missing. Somebody I love is missing. Everyone I love dies. Peter's not dead, I love him but not like that. Abby's not dead. Her mom's dead. Ronan's dead. That's my fault. No, it's Natasha's fault. Natasha's not dead. Right?

If this big bad villain kidnapped Natasha Romanoff, we've got a problem. 

I shouldn't have left, I should have just stayed right there and let her talk. But pride, fucking pride. I couldn't turn around and listen.

I feel my arm get elbowed by the person next to me. Abby. "Mr Ice cube is talking to you," she whispers.

I sit up straighter, looking at him.

"Miller, are you paying attention?" He asks, glaring.

"Uh, no, sir." Better be honest, won't get me any likes, but lying to him seems worse. "What were you saying?"

"I was saying, you were the last to see her. You sure you didn't do anything? I mean you are Manifest after all."

Oh, that gets my blood boiling. Haven't I proven myself time and time again? Haven't I been enough? Aren't I enough?

"Wow, hate to believe you still think so low of me, Cap." I groan, putting my legs on the table. Fuck posture.

"And who's fault is that?" Why does that, now, get to me?

He doesn't know what he's saying. I glare at him and he raises an eyebrow back at me.

Tony clears his throat. "Anyways, children, we've got a bigger problem at hand. Our precious spy - no offense, Barton - is missing. If you would suck it up for a damn second, we can try and find her. Find who caught her."

Do you know that feeling? That one feeling where it feels as if you have no say in anything but you don't even know what you would say if you had the chance? Like, it doesn't even matter? You're in a group, you know you're a leader, but these people surrounding you know not that version of you? They won't give you a chance so you back away. Even if you tried to vocalize a thought- they think they know everything. Ever felt like that? Well, that's me now.

The adults are arguing among themselves. Who are Nat's enemies? The Red Room. They're done-zo. (Their words, not mine) The Red Room's old enemies. Any of the Avengers' or SHIELD's enemies. Basically anyone who hates superheroes and/or spies. There's a lot.

But the thing is, anyone who took the Black Widow has to be someone small. If a big organization who loves screwing the Avengers over had taken Nat they would've used her as bait or trade by now.

That leaves three... four options.

One; some small enemy Clint, Fury or Maria knows about took her. Two; some enemy they don't know about took her.

These two possibilities just don't sound right.

Three; Fury has sent her on some no-communication sort of mission and is going to come in and either throw everyone in the wrong direction or admit to her being on a mission we can't talk about. Highly likely?

Four; she saw a lead and went for it. It would put us in danger if she came back with the information. Or, she needed to keep going with what she now knows. She needed to disappear to win.

Wait- that tracks.

"Guys! Stop! I know what's going on!"

The adult Avengers somehow shut up and the Young Avengers look at me expectantly. I take a deep inhale, releasing as if this is the all or nothing. Maybe it is. I need them to listen and believe me, and I can't be wrong.

"Wanda, I don't think it's safe to say this out loud."

She nods,  sending a small smile. She's better than the rest. Except Nat.

She puts a mind link among all the Avengers and I explain. It goes something like this:

Natasha Romanoff is an Avenger and spy. It wouldn't be that easy for me to leave for a second and her just get kidnapped like that. She had to have disappeared to protect us and find information. Something's going on in her circle that she's looking for. She's got no big somebody on her back right now and she's always alert. She wouldn't have left without a fight and I was not far away. It would've been safe for them nor her. I think it's best we leave it for now.  

I don't know if what I said, that wasn't as lazily put, got through to them but they seemed to understand. I really hope I'm right.

They agree to drop it for now and see if my theorie's right. Because if I am, she won't be found. We'll pick this up tomorrow, they say.

Even with everything I said, telepathically of course, I want to go look.

As the Young Avengers are walking out...

"Tommy! I need you!"

He looks up, that infamous smirk resting on his face. She speedily shuts the door with everyone gone and comes over to me. "Why, what for, little genius?"

I roll my eyes playfully. Oh, god, he has some sort of affect on me.

"Well, I'm going to defy my own orders if you'd like to join?"

He looks at me, crossing his arms, grinning. "Well what a sight, August Miller. And what do you need me for?"

I smile. This might be fun, even if I'm confusing myself. Telling myself that she doesn't want to be found and then looking for her anyway. "Tommy Shepherd, you are fast. I need that."

He winks. "What type of-"

"No! Ew! Don't finish that! I need you to get me to and from when and where I need. So you'll join me?"

"Ah, and what do I get in exchange?" I know he's playing, he would help me out. I believe that, at least. And I don't want that to change. 

So, instead of telling him he gets nothing I say, "That depends. What do you want?"

His eyes shine. "A kiss!"

"What!?" Why am I shocked? Why am I annoyed? Why do I want to agree?

"Yep! You heard me! I'll help you out if you kiss me."

No. "No, Tommy. If this is your way of telling you you like me, the feelings are mutual. But I am NOT bargaining for your help by me giving you some sort of breathless peck or whatever you want. I need your help, but I will find America or someone who can get me there fast too. Not nearly as fast as you, but it'll do the job. If you want a first kiss, it's not happening that way."

He's speechless, yay! But then he nods. "Alright," he says, defeatedly... but happily. I said I liked him back, that's got to count for something.

I'm powerful, with and without powers. My life, with and without love, is not defined by others. 

"Let's go, Tommy. Let's start where I last saw her."


I've got the rest of the plot written out (not in chapter form) and thought of. Not fully in depth but I know what's going on!!

for the first time lazily proofread

Mind Games (Avengers Wrong Number Fugitive [Natasha Romanoff x teen])Where stories live. Discover now