27. The Past Never Stays Unshattered

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A/N I decided the year of this story is coming to a close on 2025. This story in no way is cannon MCU but *shrug* my other story is :)

Reminder Монстр is Vyacheslav "Slava" Egorov

Also sorry this is SOOO LATE

Translations at the bottom like always!

TW: torture

Wanda's POV


"Are you ready, Auggie?" I say, trying not to sound sympathetic. I know that's not what she needs but I'm not Doctor Strange... I feel things! "I can't transfer the memory to Nat without you reliving it. It defeats the purpose of sharing these stories without thinking of them, hunny. I don't know if you're ready for this." Yeah, I definitely sound sympathetic. I know she hates it, but I don't think she has it in her to care right now.

She gulps, looking down at her hand rubbing her upper arm. "It doesn't defeat the purpose, Wanda. I physically can't say it out loud. Either way I think about all of this, when I do and don't choose to. But this way, through you, I can truly explain what happened to me. I've come to the conclusion I need to tell somebody, but I'm not able to say it out loud. I'm lucky enough to not have to write it or say it verbally but still tell Tasha. I'm not wasting this opportunity." 

It's weird hearing August talk so much, usually she's so quiet. But I guess when she wants to get on with it she'll have some sort of heartbreaking speech to get me to shut up. She's right though, she's lucky to have someone who can transfer memories.

Either way she's so young. Kids shouldn't have to be this mature at fifteen. This Autumn has been way too chaotic for the Young and not so young Avengers, for SHIELD, for Peter and August. Especially August.

2025 is the year that August Miller came to terms with her demons, finally got rid of two organizations on her tail, and shared her trauma. Or is about to. She met a new mother figure, met a boy (and they might have a connection...?), started living somewhere new. Got captured, got saved, made new friends. And... I think she came to terms with her relationship with her supposed best friend. In other words, this'll make this year go out with a bang. Happy first of December!

"Alright, August. Count of three. One... two... three..."


I stand next to Natasha and August while looking at a younger version of the teen. She was only ten, my god. Her hair was shorter, only a little past her ears. Still wavy, still that gorgeous auburn. She looked so pure and innocent, backpack resting on her shoulders as she gave her friend... Abigail... a hug goodbye.

"You know this story, hun." I tell August softly. "Ready to replay it?"

She nods softly and walks into the frame, turning into herself from this time. It's hard to watch, but it's harder to look away.

"See you soon!" Abigail's dad calls as he stands by the doorframe with his daughter.

"Bye, Mr Palmer! See you Monday, Abby!"

Natasha looks at me warily, knowing what's about to happen.

Little August skips down her sidewalk, heading home. She sings to herself, smiling and laughing... enjoying her youth. We watch her, wishing she could still be this way.

I hear Natasha muttering to herself... cursing. "I did this to her. Everything she went through is because of me. Why? Why the freaking fuck did I have to ruin her life?"

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