23. That's Not What Should Ever Happen

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A/n it doesn't work well to write in every Marvel character/Avenger who is surrounding Auggie in the book so here's who I'm going with is there (I'm writing what they go buy without their "funny nickname" (SORRY)):

Natasha, Tony, Steve, Bruce, Clint, Wanda, Vision, Bucky, Sam, Kate, America, Peter, Kamala, Cassie, Shuri, Riri, Billy, Tommy, Yelena, Thor, Scott, Maria, Fury <3 

Alsoooo if you were wondering the ages of my 'Young Avengers' here!:

August Miller - 15
Tommy Shepherd - 15
Billy Kaplan - 16
America Chavez - 16
Kamala Khan - 16
Riri Williams - 16
Peter Parker - 17
Casie Lang - 17
Kate Bishop - 19
Shuri - 22
Yelena Belova - 25

It's very complicated in the comics about the reincarnated souls of Billy and Tommy, but basically they're not the same age and they're not biologically Wanda's. I'm sure in Agatha: Coven of Chaos that will be addressed and Joe Locke (the actor of Charlie in Heartstopper) is set to play Billy so we know they're definitely aged up <3

➡️ TW: small self-harm in the form of banging your head / traumatic event ⬅️

Natasha's POV

"Don't touch me," August bites out, staring around the Avengers Common Room. It was kind of a mess if we're being honest. She was fixed up in the medbay but wouldn't stop shouting, screaming and hitting until we let her go. We weren't going to restrain her after the trauma she went through, and we weren't going to put her in an interrogation room for obvious reasons, so we've left her here. Surrounded by every single Avenger who lives here until further notice, the Young Avengers segment, and a few strays. 

"So you're the famous Manifest, huh," Fury replies, walking up to where she's sitting on a cushioned block, with the rest of everyone sitting around her. Everyone's has a straight face on except for the young Avengers. (Especially Abby, Peter, Ned and Tommy.) Although MJ always has a bored/dull look to her so don't take that into account.

He kneels to get to her seated height, looking straight into her eyes. She doesn't flinch, doesn't break eye contact, and doesn't make any movements of discomfort or fear. Though that's impressive, it's like she's not there.

"Yeah, I am, Director." She snaps, extending the 'er' in her sentence. "But I'm also aware of your schemes,  Vyacheslav Egorov! So if you please, I'd rather have any torture but this!"

I see her eyes get a little bit watery, but she blinks a couple of times to rid herself of them. So it's confirmed, she was put through that dreaded manipulation yet again. It's terrible, godforsakenly terrible.

"August," I say, putting my hands up to my head to show I mean no harm as I step to get to where Fury is. "I know you don't believe what you see, but I swear we're real."

"That's what she basically said last time, Egorov. You got me all the way back here, got the password and left me to be tied up in your little workshop." Every word she says her voice raises. "If you want to really fool me, do some other tactic. Using Nat on me twice ain't gonna do anything!"

She stands up and walks to the kitchen, ignoring me, Fury, Maria and Yelena's following. She goes into the cabinets and starts throwing the glasses on the floor. Making a complete mess.

August is out of control.

She breaks china platter along with glass cups and bowls. She takes our silverware out of their respective home and tosses and bangs them everywhere. 

She screams. She screams as loud as she can as tears finally burst from her eyes. It was long awaited as I'm sure we all could tell. Her cries of internal pain shatter our eardrums as she yells and tells us all over and over that we aren't real. Worst part is, there's no way to prove she's wrong.

As she falls to the ground the glass shards pierce through the skin of her legs. I try to step to stop her go help but Fury holds me back. We'll deal with the physical aspects of August's depressed state later. 

Then there's... I don't how to describe it but it's like a force that takes over. It flies us all backwards as it opens up the cabinets' doors and the kitchen and living room's windows. Everything moves that can in random directions. Fluttering high to the ceiling in random patterns before falling away. When August catches on she looks around at everyone, either on the floor or up against the wall. I'm on my knees staring. My head a bit cocked in confusion... and a bit of fear I try to hide.

She notices these looks, the ones she's able to read anyhow, and turns back to the kitchen island's side and reaching her head back to... oh no.

I run over, trying to stop her, but it's too late. She bangs her head so hard she passes out, and I catch her before she falls. I can sort of make out the emotions she must've gone through but it's unimaginable to put myself in her position. Hopefully Wanda can help with this newfound ability... and the emotions that come with it.


Shuri's POV

What did we just watch? It's the question that swarms through everyone's brain as we continue to experience this traumatic event disperse.

Romanoff decided to carry Augustine Miller to the medbay with Fury, Maria, Yelena, Wanda and Bruce trailing behind. It's understandable that those would be the ones to run after Natasha, but it leaves everyone else to stare at each other in some sort of shocking exterior. 

It leaves me to conclude that someone has to take charge.

"Alright everyone!" I shout, clapping my hands to gather everyone's attention. "I know you all might be in a bit of panic and stress, but this is not how the kitchen should appear. I wish you all to clean up this mess and then have your reactions! There's a lot of us, so you better get this place clean. Then I will have had my time to analyze the situation and give you some hypotheses. Sound good? I don't care just start cleaning!"

As everyone disperses I walk over to Riri, pulling her aside to compare notes. We both start talking and unsurprisingly come to the same conclusion.

"She's psychokinetic-" I start, just to be cut off.

"She has uncontrolled telekinesis." 

We stare at each other; "Fuck."

"Do you think she's going to believe we're real?" Riri asks, looking down. 

I give a weak smile in reply, shrugging. "If we spill a lot of science even Hydra couldn't come up with, then maybe."

"That may work," she says, looking up to the ceiling in thought, shaking her head with a small laugh. But then her eyes come back to look at me, ghosts haunting her gaze. "God that was traumatizing to watch."

I let out an exaggerated exhale. "Yeah," I meekly reply.

"Need a hug?" 


Her arms extend and I fall into them, holding onto her tight. What we just watched, what we felt as we watched, was unexplainable. August's trauma is unlike anything anyone's seen... and being present in the superhero world means everyone's seen everything. Or so we thought.

"Maybe Natasha will be able to prove to her that this is real." Riri tries to reason.

"Maybe. But at this point she might know but wish that this wasn't part of the fever dream."

"Let's just do the drop knowledge on then. After we explain to Tony Stank and everyone what we know and see if he does too."

Okay. We'll do that?


Natasha's POV

"Fuck off! You aren't real. GET THE FUCK OFF ME!"





Truth is I wasn't expecting that to happen I just kinda wrote and came to the agreement that she'd have a power explosion thing and I searched up what power that was and it turned out to be telekinesis! My personal fav superpower <33

Mind Games (Avengers Wrong Number Fugitive [Natasha Romanoff x teen])Where stories live. Discover now