17. Nothing is as What People Say it Seems

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A/N Thank you for all the love on this story it means so much 💕
Now say HI!

August's POV

Speed (out of nowhere mind ya) comes through the wall. If it wasn't for Abigail's talk on every Avenger and how their powers work - along with what their powers can do - (and to what extent) I wouldn't understand how. 

Outside the room he sped himself up so fast that his atoms or something were jiggly wiggly, making him able to move through the wall. Alright, no need to brag Sonic the Hedgehog. 

"Speed?" I say, quirking my eyebrow as my arms automatically cross. He's in a practically all green suit with some random white, and it does not in any way flatter him. Especially with his silver hair.

"Oh please, at this point August, just call me Tommy." He smirks at me as I roll my eyes.

I don't pretend to stall, or to chill and have a decent conversation. Here's here, now, and I need to know why. "What are you planning, hedgehog?" 

He takes fake offense to the nickname, winking. "What do you think, princess? To get you out of here."


"I'm allowed to do that?" I stupidly, stupidly respond.

He looks me up and down, his once joking demeanor drastically switching to a judging glare with pursed lips and scrunched eyebrows. "Dude, do you want to stay here?"

Do I?

"Uh, no. But don't you like live here?"

"Not here here," he responds, pointing to the ground. "But yeah, well, Wanda thinks I'm at a hangout at the beach with the rest of the Young Avengers and after that... event with Nat no one suspects a thing." I tilt my head a little bit, and Tommy rushes out his explanation, ignoring the information he just spilled that everyone saw my interrogation with Black Widow. "So no one's checking the cameras at the moment. I think they're all drinking, I dunno."

I guess I'll ignore it too.

You know, I should be shocked the Avengers are partying while I'm in a cage, but I'm not.

"Tommy?" I whisper.

He does his scrunched eyebrow thing and looks at me, reusing the hushed tone. "Yeah, Auggie?"

"Who's in the Young Avengers?"

"All together, or who's here at the moment? Or who lives at the Compound?"

"Who lives at the Compound and who's here waiting..."

He looks around the cell. "How about I tell ya after we're outta this hell hole." His famous smirk is back.

My eyes travel the room and I nod. "Alright, so, you're just gonna super speed me through?"

"Pretty much," he says, grabbing both my hands. "Hold on tight!"


"So that's Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, wait no you know him, Ironheart, Wiccan my sorta twin, Princess Shuri, America Chavez. That's Stinger over there, and I mean you know me, Speed, obviously. And then our honorary member who's gonna be murdered by her sister later, the one and only Yelena Belova.

"Ms Marvel and Spider-Man crash the night in the Compound sometimes, Spidey more than double M. Ironheart doesn't really stay over night cause she's got college classes. Wiccan and I live there. Shuri obviously doesn't. 'Merica does as does Stinger and Yelena."

I really, really needed to know that information. I mean, yeah I asked but I don't actually care that much.

"This is actually the coolest day of my life! And I hate to cut my reaction time short but what are we gonna do now?" I suck joy out of every good moment.

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