35. Natasha's Back Picnic

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a/n and we're back with Natasha!!

Let's back up a few days (note: will baselessly lead to the present)

Natasha's POV

When August ran, I started to follow. There was no wind whatsoever, that's what put me off. Because the bush moved. As a spy, you're prone to knowing when another someone is there. I played on as if nothing happened. I let the stalker think I didn't catch them, I continued on going to the store to buy August an apology gift. I was thinking along the lines of a 'World's Best Daughter' mug. I'm not sure if one of those exists, so if they didn't (which they probably do just not at Costco) my plan was to buy her a 'World's Best Mom' something. But the thing was- the spy was no longer with me. Hyper-awareness be damned, I was not the one being watched. Which meant August was.

I disappeared. I'm sorry August, I'm sorry Avengers, and most importantly I'm sorry Maria. But I'm not sorry for finding out everything I can so I can help August. That's the most important part.

It was a man whose son had died. Jason Baker. A bomb had hit his son. SHIELD - no, I - hadn't just killed August's family, but a random boy. Origin story of almost every villain. Somebody dies and they want vengeance.

Mason Baker was seven years old when he died from an attack on one of his friend's houses. He'd visited over quite frequently in the weeks coming up to the sudden small bombing. A bombing SHIELD covered up as a house fire. As an awful accident.

What's so confusing is why now is when Mason's father decided to start stalking August. I've started following him, trying to figure out what it's all about. If I were to intervene I wouldn't be able to figure out who he works for (if that were the case), what his end goal was, and what he knows and doesn't know. Undercover is where I do my best work. He doesn't seem like one that will catch on that now he's the one being watched.

Jason Baker's daily routine is boring. He wakes up at 7am and doesn't get out of bed until 8. He starts brewing coffee while showering, which of course is something not dangerous whatsoever. He brushes his teeth while putting together his not-measured milk and sugar in his said coffee unclothed, half the time spilling something on his bare chest, before actually putting on a white tank top and too-small jeans. He wraps an oversized belt around his beer belly and grabs a hat that you'd see in a broadway production of Newsies. When he leaves he's precise with what he takes. Anything and everything needed to watch a girl he's obsessed with.

He doesn't take pictures of August, he takes notes. He's obsessed with how she articulates her emotions and what sets off her powers. His detailed reports of her fists squeezing and unsqueezing are more in depth than authors trying to impress their publishers. 'Her pinky finger always touches into the third crease in her palm before the rest of her hand fiercely joins the fist.'

At 12:07pm Baker always answers a call. He never says his name. The man on the other line says the same thing every goddamn day. It's not a voice recording, I've recorded the call every time and there's a difference. 'What are you doing today? That sounds disruptive. You should be done by Sunday.' The recordings are not identical. All I've noticed is that every call he puts pressure on a different word. What's so weird is that I started recording these calls on Saturday. I expected some big showdown on Sunday but nothing happened. On Sunday the man on the other line said 'You should be done Sunday.' Every call can be traced back to a different location.

The playback of every call has one difference. On Saturday the enunciated word was sounds. On Sunday it was disruptive. Monday was you. And today it was should. It's a countdown. To what? I don't have the answer.

Along with watching Jason Baker and his strange routine and stalking behaviors, I've watched Maria and August. Maria's worried out of her mind for me, but what I'm wrapped up in right now is so meticulously absurd and dangerous in an 'I want it to be playful but I didn't ask for fire' type of way that I don't feel the need to tell her. Plus, if I did she wouldn't be bonding with August right now, and I need that relationship to exist.

Today Maria and August were talking, until they weren't. A paper was slid forth that August ripped up before walking out. To Jason it was probably nothing, but to spies (me) it was communication.

Maria went on her laptop afterwards, typing with a hint of a smile in her eyes. Her planning look. If you caught sight of August, she was texting. At some point August came outside and conjured up a picnic blanket before lying down on the fielded area right next to the compound. Come and play, stalker was the clear and utmost message to anyone who knew anything.

Jason looked at the scene, mystified. Was he supposed to interact? Was this his chance?

I needed to reach Maria. This was not the way to attack. Especially with somebody I still know nothing about.

I walked around the woods where Jason was hiding, aka where I was hiding, and maneuvered my way to the entrance of the compound as if I wasn't just right there. I walked my way up to where August was lying down and joined her.

She turned to me and raised her brows quickly up and down. My face remained emotionless. Well played.

I turned back onto my back and looked up. It should be colder considering it's winter - considering it's December - but it's still not comfortably warm.

I'm Russian though, and August has never fit into the norms.

I see Maria looking out her office window and I wink. She gives me crossed arms and her infamous smirk.

They've got me where they wanted me, not where they wanted Jason. But Jason's coming, I know that much. I think they do too.



Natasha and August content was very much needed :)

Climax incoming!!! (dirty minds get out of her it's a writing term)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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