24. Questionnaire Unfair

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A/N y'all okay with making Tommy the love interest 👊🏻😐


I don't remember much, but I remember the fear. I don't get scared easily, which says more than it should for a person like me.

Looking around the room, I see technology and advanced medical beds. Oh. I'm here... again.

It's a vague memory to think about how I came about lying here as of now, but I know the last time was a Hydra mission. It was the mission that set me free, but the mission that made everything a bit more complicated. Of course I did complete the task of stealing some of Hulk's DNA that was supposedly locked up in Tony Stark's lab. It wasn't there so I had to come here, the second likeliest "hiding spot".

I was stealthy, and in some sort of heat repulsing invisibility suit that lead me to go undetected. I got the DNA along with a clear view of Black Widow half dead. To this day I wonder what mission caused her to be in such a state.

Finally I decide to perch myself up, and there sitting, standing or lying down around me are a few of my least liked / most liked people at this moment in time. Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Yelena Belova, Wanda Maximoff, Bruce Banner, Abigail Palmer, Tommy Shepherd and Natalia Romanava. No- Natasha Romanoff.

Tasha is on a chair with her head lying on her arms on my medbay cot, but she startles when I move.

Her instincts are all wacked up apparently because she rushes to give me a hug. I still in her embrace, not stopping her arms wrapped around me but not accepting it. When she comes to the obvious conclusion I'm not comfortable with touch at the moment she releases and stares at me with a slight head tilt.

"Don't ever do that again, August Miller." She mutters, trying to act all commanding. But in this moment I believe worry has taken over her emotional agenda.

I nod in reply, trying to think about what exactly I did. I mean, this is most likely a simulation, but if I lead with that knowledge then I can live it happily and give up, maybe I can just enjoy it all just knowing it's not true. Then Hydra will have to figure out another way to control me... even if they always did.

My arm moves up to rest my hands on my head. Jeezus, that hurts. What the fuck did I do to myself?

Natasha and I don't say anything else to each other, just watch each others movements. I'm pretty sure she thinks I know what I did. Well fuck that, this isn't real.

Maria Hill is pretty close to both of us, considering my cot is almost right against the wall. She's sleeping in the corner, mere inches away from Natasha on the chair. After a bit of looking back in forth Nat finally decides to get up and shake Commander Hill out of her slumber.

"Darling, Auggie is awake. Maybe it's time you try talking to her?"

She knows I can hear her. She doesn't care. Maybe I should be more cautious that the deputy director is about to "interrogate" me, but I'm not. I'm hung up on the idea that Natasha called Maria darling... the Black Widow found someone to love. The heartless, careless, selfless yet selfish and infamous master spy has someone to go home to.

I look straight ahead to see Tommy on the bed in front of me. He should really not care, yet he does. How long did it take Natasha to accept Maria's love?

As the supposed couple walks back to my weak and shivering body Maria pulls up a chair as Natasha grabs a blanket.

"Lovebug," Maria starts, sighing as she looks into my blank and emotionless face. I'm done with emotions. Even for a simulation that I wont let myself rest into... someone's watching me.

"Don't call me that, Egorov." I bite back.

Commander Hill takes in a sharp breath before replying. "How do we prove we're real?"

I roll my eyes. "Fuck off, Hill. Or, not Hill. Whatever. You can't prove to me you're real. They dig deep into my memories to get all that wack that's good for y'all to say out. It's to make me trust you, 'cause they know I don't. I don't even fucking care anymore!"

Unlike Natasha's faltered face Maria gives me a little smirk. "In that case, let me ask some questions and you answer. Honestly. I've got a human lie detector next to me and me myself is one as well. Hydra might be able to tell when you're lying by just checking, but you probably can get around that by now."

She's most likely not wrong. I know how they tell me they know I'm lying. A buzz in my brain. Like electrocution but a little less intense. This is used when they know I'm aware of the manipulation I'm undertaking. Alright... this might work.

"Hey, Friday," Maria says out into the open space. "Can you turn the lights off?"

"Sure thing, Commander Hill," the AI responds. 

As the lights turn off Maria grabs her girlfriend's phone and turns the flashlight on. "These questions are easy, Miller. We're gonna call you out when you lie, but you tell us if you did so and we didn't catch it. If you can get to ten lies without us knowing then you're fine. Got it?"

I look down, trying to hide my evident intimidation. "Yes, Ma'am." 

None of that phases Maria as she starts.

"Favorite color?" She asks, which leads to a quick reply.

"Blue, Ma'am."


"Favorite animal?" Nat says next.


Natasha smiles a bit. "Alright, good. Favorite TV show character?"

"Eleven from Stranger Things." I say. 

"Liar." Maria says fast.

"Well that's not fair! I don't watch much TV that often and I don't even really have a favorite!"

"Oh shush it!" Natasha's eyes brighten. "Think fast, lie fast. Natasha or Maria?"

I turn away, my cheeks turning hotter. It's Natasha as of right now of course. But I can already tell that the more time I start spending with Maria the more I'll grow to love her. It already feels like they're pitting me against each other. It feels like I'm choosing between my parents. 

"I'm not answering that, Natasha." I mumble, looking anywhere but her and her girlfriend.

"Lovely," she sighs, grabbing me and pulling me in for another hug-thing. "We know it's too hard to prove to you we're real and not part of a game. But we'll work on it, 'kay? And if it is all one big Matrix scheme then we promise we'll get you out."

I look back at Tommy once more before nuzzling my face into Nat's neck. 

"And I think someone in particular would want to help save you."

I take my head out of her shoulder to look at her and Maria. "I can do that myself, Nat, thank you very much."


Chapter is shit but wanted to get something out for y'all


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