28!burned lol

386 16 4

What the-

The sond of the ambulance kept ringing into the ears, not stoping. As it road to its goal, firefighters were here too.

Why is that you ask? You didn't even even wait a Split second before ruching into your own apartment. Ignoring the screams of those firefighters trying to stop you.

Shivers were running down your spine like some marathon is going on. Heavy breaths, the carbons smell not helping at all with your situation, as every part of your body telled you not to go. But your mind and heart couldn't just stand there and watch.

Please not my apartment.

As you got to your floor, you gasped a little, Smelling the horrible sent of burns. Ironic coming from a fire user.

Tho, it didn't stop you to break the already damaged door, not forgetting to use your vision as a shield for extra protection.

Scanning through the apartment, the first thing you did was going to your bedroom, as fast as possible. Regenerating your shield from time to time.


You were screeching in your stuff, trying to find what you were looking for as fast as possible, now with your shield on cool down, you had nothing not your own clothes on yourself.


Quickly reactivating your shield, you didn't fail to notice some barks coming from none other than Thoma's room.


You rushed there to save the poor pet, slaming the door until it opens you used your hand to cover a few Coughs while screeching for the dog at the same time.


It began to bark, as it backed a little from a wood that was about to fall, once it sees you, it didn't wait a moment to just jump into your arms, as you kept your hold on it firm, before exiting Thomas room.

You gasped, as your attention was brought to a kinda avrage woman with dark hair fading into a bright red, her hair swaying in the air in an elegant way.


That was the last thing you saw the last light, a purple light you perceived, until it all went dark.

That was the last thing you saw the last light, a purple light you perceived, until it all went dark

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Beep beep beep

"She's awake!"

Slowly but surely opening your eyes, the first thing you saw were the three concerned people at the end of the hospital bed you were in.

"Bro why are yall looking like that, this ain't a funeral!"

Ayato singed deeply, "thank God she's okay." While thoma and ayaka face palmed themselves.

You Just tried to sit up but Thoma told you not to, as it is okay with them all.

"I'm so glad you are okay Y/n.." ayaka cried a little wipping her eyes with a handkerchief, "We are so Glad that you're okay, after what happened." Thoma said with a relieved sigh.

"Huh, why what happened?" You asked in confusion, tho the more you tried to think about a reasoning to why you were in the hospital right now, the more it hurts your brain.

"You don't remember?" Ayato asked, as he got confused. You shook your head as a sign of a 'no' as he nodded.

"Y/n, you collapsed after saving tomaru from the fire. The fire that started at our apartment. " Thoma explained briefly, as you looked at him with confusion before nodding your head sarcastically.

"Yeaaah! Suuuure, our apartment! Haha." You smiled at him still not dropping the sarcasm. "WAIT WE HAVE AN APARTMENT???" You then sudently looked at him stoicly.

Thoma seemed confused along with the kamisato siblings, "y/n.. what."

"Did I say something wrong???" You pointed your finger at yourself before sitting this time, as you looked at them all in confusion.

"Now that I think of it, you guys had grown quit tall.. and uh- much older??" Ayaka sudently gasped, thinking about this situation more as the others all turned their attention to her.

"Y/n.. how old are you..?" She hesitated to ask the question, as ayato understood what she meant by asking that.

"15 why?" You looked at them with a questioning face, as they all looked shocked, you couldn't help but burst out kaughting.

"LMAO!! IM ONLY KIDDING GUYS! I DONT HAVE AN AMNESIA" You laughted a little as you tried to stand up as you gave them all a big groupe hug.

After pulling out you smiled at them innocently like you haven't just tried to make it seem you had an amnesia, as thoma and ayato looked at you with a hopeless face, ayaka couldn't help but look down with a relived expression.

"C'mon guys! It was just a harmless little joke." You shrugged smiling smugly as thoma brought his head down his hair covering half his face, as he couldn't help but let out muffled sobs, so did ayaka, as ayato just covered his eyes with his hands sighing deeply, while sobbing a little.


The three of them caught you off guard, as they all hugged you tightly crying in the process.

"Sometimes, I really want to throw you off a cliff.. but I can't, sadly." Ayato muttured as he cried on your shoulder.

"You're so reckless, I hate it. But I can't bring myself to hate you." Thoma hugged you aswell, wich didnt help but made him cry more.

"You have no idea how much i- we all were worried for you!!" Ayaka joined aswell, hugging you tightly.

Their words have brought you happiness joy, everything a happy human could feel, as you didn't notice, but you aswell started crying, while sobbing inconsolably.

The hug seemed to last an eternity, before yall pulled back ayaka wipping her tears as thoma and ayato tried to calm their eyes aswell, silence seeming to overload the hospital room.

"Ayaya, dear. Where's my phone." You were the one who spoke first, as ayaka looked at you with a 'are you serious face'.

"Really, y/n.. the first thing you want is your phone?"

"What?? Sis, I NEED to snap a pic Duh. it isn't everyday you see Thoma AND ayato crying. Well Thoma yeah but rarely ayato-"

"UH!?? WHAT DO YOU M-MEAN- I NEVER CRY!" Thoma cuted you out, embarrassed about what you just said, as ayato and ayaka chunkled quietly.

"Yeah sure~ remember that Cinderella show?" You smiled smugly, enjoying the teasing on Thoma. "Bro used two whole packs of paper towel in the span of one movie!"

"Wait for real Thoma!?" Ayato started laughting as wellnwich didnt help but made the blond man blush madly.

"Hey! Her story was so much relatable..."

An: Sry if it's short but idc <3

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An: Sry if it's short but idc <3

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