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"Math is really easy, it's just you who aren't interested in it."

To be honest, you were lucky the accident that happened at you apartment was on a Friday, as the hospital took you in for two whole straight days.

You tried debating with them, saying that you were 'as tought as the Rocks bald head'. But ayaka, ayato nor Thoma wanted to hear anything from you.

Now you were late studying for your math test along with xiao, as he accepted to tutor you about it a little in exchange, youd tutor him with about English writing.

"Sure, atleast I know how to write an A+ writing." I shot him an annoyed look as I laid my head back on the library table.

Xiao has just finished teaching you about the basics of trigonometry, as you was not familiar with that subject IN THE SLIGHTEST.

I don't even know what that means fr fr

Xiao just shrugged ignoring your comment as he got up and grabbed some books about writing.

"Huh? Oh- right it's my turn now lol." He stood up stretching a little as you took the book from him.

"Okay soo~ our exam will have five potential writing subject, and you should- I mean haha. You Will! Practice them all." Xiao just uttered a 'sure before grabbing a paper and a pen as he waited for your instructions.

"The first subject is huh... omg my favorite! 'Should teens be allowed to have cosmetic/plastic surgery.' "

"This is your favorite? You aren't even a teen.." xiao justlooked at you with his usual stoic face thus him not understanding why's this your favorite writing subject.

"Yeah no shush, now. You have the writing sub, I'll write whatever I want and you'll write watever you want, then I'll tell you at the end if there's anything to be changed, and you can also compare your work to mine!" You gave him your instructions, even tho this will take a lot of time or even, your whole lunch time, you didn't mind.

"Okay I guess.." he started writing on the paper and so did you. occasionally, you'd find yourself lost admiring his features, sighing deeply, you continued writing whatever came to your mind aswell.

Something about him made you feel this kind of butterflies,,, a sweet feeling overwhelming your heart, warming it in the process, but then you remembered how hard it was to even approach him. No need to explain why, of course.

"I'm done." Xiao spoke first, cutting you from your thoughts. just as you finished writing the last sentence, you smiled at him brightly, as he looked away, having you his paper, and you having him yours.

Your copy

Questioning if teens should be allowed to have cosmetic surgery, is a mistake itself. The real question to be asked is why they would want it in the first place.

Feeling insecure? Wanting to improve their life? Attracting someone out of their leages? Many reasons could be given in this case. In my opinion, cosmetic surgery, or like some may call it, 'plastic' surgery is only a way to express the feeling of self-doubt in the human being. Hence why many people and now teens wanting it too. And with the newest trends, social medias influencers, the lack of a parental figures presence. It could only drive teens to thinking about many possibilities to improve and change their lives completely. Starting by their appearance.

Some may say, I'm only stating this wanting to change the subject about what my real thoughts about this situation is, But I do not visualize it like that. My only words about this situation would be: give your teens more attention, don't let them feel like they need cosmetic surgery in the first place. Make them belive in themselves.

Xiaos copy

In my opinion cosmetic surgery is no need for teens, it's only irresponsible to let out minors have whatever they want in this period of time just because parent 'don't want to upset them'.

The princips in cosmetic surgery is literally changing the whole humans face or body, to their liking. But I think it's absurd. Wanting to change like that just because people doesn't like you the way you are built. God created us in this appearance for a reason, not for us to change it our complete dismay.


After Xiao had rad your copy, he was a little token aback by the writing style you used for your writing, avoiding repetitions, making up great sentence. It was a perfect writing.

After putting your paper in front of him, he looked at you looked at Xiao with eyes that told him 'wow'. He just shrugged like always before looking away. "Just be honest, it's trash compared to yours."

"UMMM noo??? Uhh, it just.. need a little bit of reconsideration aha." You tried to think of something positive to say about his writing but nothing came to mind as it only made him sigh.

"Your copy, yes it's handwriting is terrible but the style you used is so unique.." xiao spoke out of the blue blabbering with nonsense.

"Yeah yeah I know- WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY HANDWRITING IS TERRIBLE? WELL! ATLEAST I-" before you could even finish your sentence, the librarian, Lisa had put a hand on your shoulder preventing you to say more.

You were staterled by her move that you fell from your chair Gasping.

"My my, are you okay sweety?" She looked at you with a fake worried face, as she extended her hand for it to help you stand up.

You sighed, "who're you again?" You muttered as you stood up by yourself, sudently smiling sweetly at her, as Lisa was now glaring at you.

Xiao only stood there, confused about the girls chaging moods, as he only backed up. The tension getting ticker and ticker.

"Anyways!" You spoke first. "I'll take less loudly this time, Lisa." You winked at the girl as you picked up your fallen chair sitting along with xiao.

"Please, do." Lisa then smiled at you, then went back to her duties.

You sighed deeply as you looked at Xiao, you fond him already staring at you. "U-uh!-" You choked at your own words, as you gasped falling for the 2nd time in a row this day.

"Oh- uh.. sorry,," Xiao got up and extended his hand for you to take it. Although you didn't know why he'd apologize but yarent gonna ask him.

You grabbed his hand as he helped you getting up, you sighed. Embarrassing yourself was part of your routine now, at this point you were used to it.

"Alright, well continue with the other subject best time, the bells gonna ring soon anyways."

Xiao nodded as he packed up his stuff, you did the same. after finishing you stood up ready to leave the library when sudently a tall well built man, came and grabbed your shoulder rather gently, not to alarm you.

Slowly turning around, to see who was that who just nudged you, your jaw dropped. From surprise, to joy, to complete dismay. Although you couldn't quite point up to why you were feeling like that.

"y/n, we met again."

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