Chapter Three

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The funeral was held in a field on the cliff sides near the Red Keep, members of the noble houses that had celebrated with the Royal family yesterday now grieved with the father and daughter. The small crowd looked on at Queen Aemma's pyre, a smaller pyre for Prince Baelon stood beside his mother's. The only sound was that of the wind blowing up from the sea as the crowd waited for someone to do or say something.

Enora stood with her children beside her sister, near the Princess. Everyone's eyes remained forward, facing the two pyres, though Enora stared at the King. She couldn't help but relate to the man, losing one's spouse was never easy. There were still days that Enora reached across her sheets in the morning light, searching for her husband's hand.

Movement from the corner of her eye caught Enora's attention as Prince Daemon stepped closer to his niece. The widow watched as the uncle and niece quietly conversed before Princess Rhaenyra stepped forward looking between her dragon perched on the nearby hill and her father.

"Dracarys." The princess commanded, her voice strong.

The majestic beast stepped further down the hill before roaring. Flames shot from the dragon's mouth lighting the pyres on fire. Enora's attention turned back to the King, watching as he bowed his head, not wanting to see the burning bodies.


That night Enora laid on her bed, staring across the empty mattress. One hand stretched out reaching across the sheets. It was nights like this when Enora missed her late husband most. Though the two had not loved each other, they had been friends. The widow had considered the man her closest friend. When Enora had arrived at Starpike only weeks after her fourteenth birthday Lord Peake had welcomed her with open arms, he had shown her all around the grounds and took the time to get to know her before they were wed. Even after she was his wife, Lord Peake remained kind. He did not force Enora into his bed like she had feared nor did he abandon her. Only when a month had passed and Enora was finally comfortable with the idea of consummating her marriage did anything happen.

A knock at her door caused Enora to sit up, a quick glance out the window showed Enora that it was late. Standing from her bed, Enora threw a dressing gown over her sheer nightgown before turning back to the door. Making sure the dressing gown was securely clasped, Enora called for whoever had knocked to enter.

Surprise filled Enora as Alicent entered the room, making sure to shut the door behind her. The young woman was still dressed in her funeral attire, and Enora could tell something was bothering her from the state of the skin around her thumb.

"What is wrong, Alicent?" Enora asked, stepping forward to meet her sister in the middle of her room. "Has something happened?"

"Do you have any of mother's dresses?" Alicent asked, ignoring her sister's questions. "I can't seem to find the ones I kept."

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