Chapter One

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Authors Note: Hey everyone! I just wanted to say a few things before you start reading this story. First of all, I JUST started obsessing with Tokio Hotel, so there might be a few things that aren't accurate. Some of the details I got from google aswell, so if something isn't right, just let me know in the comments. The later that we get in the story, the more familiar that I will get with them, so it will get better. You can leave any requests that you have for this story in the comments, and enjoy the book!

Bold in the story (not in the authors notes) means that they are speaking German. In this story everyone in the band can speak English and German. 


"Ugh," I groaned shutting the laptop that had my horrible test scores on the screen. "How? I studied all night for this test," I though. I quickly grabbed my backpack, and stuffed my phone and headphones into the pockets. After making some final adjustments to my outfit, I ran down the stairs of my house and made my way to the front door. 

I spend most of my free time at my best friends' house. The Kaulitz twins and I had grown up together, and we have basically become inseperable. I have known them for as long as I could remember, and our houses are right next to eachother, so we hangout a lot. We have gotten even closer over the years with the band that we started; Tokio Hotel. Bill and I are the vocalists, Gustav is our drummer, Tom is the guitarist, and Georg is the bass-guitarist. 

After knocking, Bill answered the door and gave me a quick hug. "I know band practice is in a few hours, but can I come over now. I'm not in the mood to wait in my room by myself right now," I said while taking a step inside. "Sure, Tom and I were about to watch a movie while we waited for the band to show up," Bill replied as I followed him to Tom's room. 

We entered Tom's room and he smiled when he saw up. I ran up to him and sat down right beside him on his bed. "Hey love," he smirked at his comment. Tom has always been a flirt, even he's known me for however long and we have never been in a "romantic" relationship. "Love?" I questioned. However, he pretented to be too focused on getting the movie ready to answer me. 

I felt the bed sink down on the other side of me as Bill layed down. As I waited, I took out my phone and checked my messages. There were a few messages in our Tokio Hotel group chat, so I read them over quickly, and joined in their little argument. 


Gustav you left your drumsticks at our house


It's fine. I was too busy to practice anyways


Ohhh did you get yourself a date?!


Your expectations are too high Tom. Why the hell do you think that HE could pull bitches


HEY I can totally get a girl if I wanted too                                                                                                                     


  Did you though?


I had better things to do




Homework. Or I couldn't go to band practice

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As soon as I heard the movie start, I put my phone down and pulled the blanket higher so that it  rested on my shoulders. "You better not fall asleep again Elle," Bill said and nudged my shoulder. "I'm so tired though. Only for 10 minutes," I started to close my eyes. 

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