Chapter Eight

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Finally, we made it to our first venue. The driver parked the bus, and we all went inside to get our instruments ready for tomorrow. We brought them all to our practice room, and hooked up any wires that we had to. The band practiced for about an hour, before we went back to the bus. There was a rule that we were only allowed to practice for a short amount of time the day before we performed, so that Bill and I didn't strain our vocal chords. 

We had a quick meeting with the tour managers for about an hour to plan out how the first concert would go. We were scheduled to play from 7:00 to 9:00 PM tomorrow, so it wasn't going to be too long. 

The rest of the day was spent in the tour bus. We ordered food, and chilled for the rest of the day. Everyone was off doing their own things right now. I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone, when I got a text from the group chat:

I'm going to bed now. You guys should too

Yeah, I guess we should get some rest before tomorrow

Alright, but I call the bathroom first

I immediatly ran to the bathroom before the others could even read the text, so that I was able to get ready for bed first. It only took me a few minutes to wipe off the light makeup that I was wearing, and brush my teeth. The second I opened the door to leave the room, Georg ran in and shut the door quickly after I exited. I laughed when I saw Tom standing there with an annoyed expression on his face. "Asshole," he muttered before flopping onto the couch behind him. 

Bill was half asleep when I entered our bedroom, and some random show was playing on the tv. I wasn't sure how we were going to fit three people on this bed without someone falling off in the middle of the night. 

"You asleep yet?" I leaned over to my right to look at Bill. "No, I'm waiting for the others to get ready for bed so we can turn off all the lights," he replied. The bus was pretty lit up, so I barely noticed how dark it was outside. "Fair enough," I said while turning my focus back to the tv. 

A few minutes later, Tom entered the room. "Georg and Gustav are asleep now," he announced while taking off his shirt. "Turn off the lights. I'm trying to fall asleep too," Bill whined. "Fine. I know you need your beauty sleep," Tom joked as he layed down beside his brother, making Bill sleep in the middle. After all the lights and the tv were turned off, I slowly fell  asleep.


My eyes fluttered open, and I was greeted with light rays of sun shining in through the window. While I say up, I noticed that I was put in the middle of the 2 boys. Somehow, Tom was sleeping on the other side of me, instead of beside Bill. 

Tom shifted around a little before he woke up aswell. "Why aren't you sleeping beside Bill anymore?" I asked Tom, who was rubbing his eyes. "He pushed me off of the bed. That's why," Tom replied while reaching over to lightly nudge Bill. I giggled at the thought of it. Tom yawned before getting out of bed, and looking around for his shirt. 

By now, Bill was awake and sitting up beside me. He brushed all of the hair out of his face, and reached for his phone. I did the same, and started going through my emails. There was one that was sent from our manager, and it read: "We have your schedule for today attached to the email. Can the band please meet us inside the venue by 5:00 PM, so you can practice and hook up all the instruments and microphones. 

Holy shit, I'm so nervous.

Jealousy - Tom KaulitzOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz