Chapter Nine

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I could barely eat breakfast. All I could think about was the concert. We have preformed many times before, but for some reason I was way more nervous than I would normally be. The band wanted to start of the tour with a bang, so everything had to be perfect. Thousands of people were all getting ready for the concert to start. We still had 30 minutes though.

I was sitting on a couch in our dressing room, with Bill next to me. We watched Tom and Georg mess around for a bit, laughing anytime they did something funny. I was surprised that nobody in this room looked nervous. Well, everyone except me.

"Hey, it's going to be alright," Bill said while putting his arm around my shoulder. "Aren't you nervous too?" I asked him while shifting my position to lean onto him. "I think we all are," he replied.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I heard Tom say as he walked out the door. A few seconds later, one of our managers, David, came into the room. "You're on in 10. Are you ready?" he asked. "As ready as we'll ever be," Georg responded.

I quickly grabbed the the lyric sheets to read over before we went onstage. Even though I've memorized and sang these songs hundreds of times, the nerves always tried to sike me out. Come on Elle, you know this.

"Don't worry, you're going to do great," someone gently took the pages out of my hands. I looked up to see Tom, holding his electric guitar in one hand, and the sheets in the other. I guess he's back already. "Are we going on now?" I could see the rest of the band lining up to go onstage. "Yep," Tom started making his way to the stage entrance.

Bill hand out his hand, gesturing for me to come over. I was handed a microphone from one of the stage hands, before running up next to Bill. "You ready?" Bill said as the lights dimmed. I nodded my head, not being able to form any words. "Goodluck!" I heard David say as we headed to our places onstage.

After Bill said a little intro to the concert, the band started playing. I'm the one to start singing first, so I listened intently for my que to start singing. As soon as I sang the first line, I could feel the confidence overtake the nerves.

Bill joined in at the chorus, and I felt his hand grab mine. Everything was perfect, then all of a sudden, one of the intruments were off tune. I whipped my head backwards to try to figure out who it was, and I could see Tom struggling to figure out what he was doing.

"Just keep singing, he will figure it out," I heard Bill whisper in my ear. Sadly, he didn't. Something was off about him tonight. The rest of the song was horrendous. Tom's mistakes caused the rest of the band to completely screw up. After the last verse, I could see David standing in the wings, motioning for us to come backstage.

I annonced to the audience that we were taking a short intermission, before jogging to meet David with the guys. "Tom, are you okay? What happened out there," David asked. Tom looked like his head was in the clouds. "I'm sorry. Can I take my sheet music onstage with me?" he replied. "If it means that you will avoid any further mistakes, then yes, you can," David sighed.

Bill nudged his brother gently, trying to bring him back to reality. Tom glared back at him, and started to walk onstage again. The rest of us followed.

The remainder of the show wasn't horrible. The sheet music helped Tom, but I could tell that he just wasn't himself today. Something threw him off, I just wonder what it was.

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