Chapter Four

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~~Morning Time~~

5:48 are you serious, I groaned while opening Instagram to pass the time. I hate being the first one awake at sleepovers. "You awake too?" I heard a low voice from a few feet away from me say. After letting my eyes adjust to the darkness, I saw Tom staring at me while leaning against his elbows. "Sadly. I can't fall back asleep," I turned my phone off to focus on him. "Do you wanna get up and do something?" he asked while standing up quietly. "Sure."

He lead me up the stairs and onto their balcony. From there, he lifted himself onto the roof and stood up. "Come on, it's very pretty up here," he held his hand up to help me. I reached up for his hand, and climbed up the same way that he did. By this point, the sun was just about to rise, and I could see it peaking over the horizon.

"Do you come up here often?" I layed down beside Tom, who had already layed down while I was admiring the view. "Yeah, it's calm up here. No stress or school or loud bands. Just... silence," he paused before the last word. I smiled and looked up at the sky. It was a mix of purple and blue, with a few clouds scattered across.

"I've known you for this long and you've never showed me this place?" I leaned over to look at him. "I don't even think Bill knows about it, even though its not very hidden. It has a very nice view though," he replied.

It was relaxing; staring at the hills and cars driving by in the distance. Our neighbourhood was slightly overlooking the city, because it was on a large hill. So that just made it even better to look out from on the roof.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone started buzzing. Call from Bill.
~~On Call~~
"Finally you're awake!" I sat up and started talking to Bill. "It's only 8:00. That's pretty early," he replied. "Really! We've been awake for the past 2 hours," I exclaimed while double checking the time. "We? Are you with Tom, because he isn't down here with us," he asked. "Yeah we were just hanging out, but I think we'll come back down for breakfast now," I said while motioning for Tom start heading back down to the basement. "Okay see you soon!" he replied cheerfully.
~~End of Call~~

Bill was scrolling through his phone, Gustav was watching sports on the tv, and Georg was picking our an outfit to wear. I layed back down beside Bill, and dropped my head onto the pillow. "Who's making breakfast?" I asked tiredly. "I guess I can make it today," Bill replied. "Great, because I'm starving," I started closing my eyes. Bill shook my shoulders gently and I slowy sat up. "Come on. I could use some help," he stood up and pulled me up with him.

"Ugh, fine. Let me just change first," I grabbed my bag and headed to the bathroom. It didn't take me too long to change into nicer clothes, brush out my hair, and apply the slightest bit of makeup. By the time I made it to the kitchen, Bill had all of the ingredients out to make breakfast.

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