Chapter Twelve

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"What the hell?!"

Everyone had the same shocked expression on their faces. WHY DID I JUST DO THAT. I turned to look at Tom, who's facial expression was a mix of shock, anger, and behind all of that... heartbroken. He was frozen in place, his jaw dropped. I started to panic when the realization of what I just did hit me. 

"I'm so sorry," I said to both of the twins, before I got up and ran out of the building. I know I shouldn't be running from my problems, but I had no way of resolving this one. At least not right now. 

After running down the street to an intersection, I pulled out my phone to call a taxi to take me back to the tour bus. It didn't take long before the driver picked me up, and started the very short car ride back.


Being at the trailer alone at night was a bit creepy, but I definitely needed some alone time. After changing into my pajamas and removing my jewlery and makeup, I decided to sleep in Georg and Gustav's room instead of Tom and Bill's. I want to leave all of this drama for the morning.

Unable to fall asleep, I layed in bed for a while on my phone scrolling through social media. Almost an hour passed before the bus door's opened and the lights turned on. I turned so that my back was facing the bedroom door before someone entered the room, shutting the door behind them.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Georg said before taking a seat on the bed beside me. I felt my body relax when I heard Georg's voice, and not Tom or Bills. "Do you know what happened?" I asked him while sitting up, nervous as to what his response would be. "Yep, Bill told me," he nodded his head. 

"You probably think I'm crazy for doing that," I hid my face in my hands out of embarrassment. "No, I don't think that," he placed his hand on my shoulder as I sat beside him on the bed. I was now curious about what else happened with the twins after I had left.

"W-were they mad at me?" my bottom lip quivered a bit at the thought of ruining my lifelong friendship that I had with Tom and Bill. Georg noticed, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. Georg has always been like an older brother to me. He takes care of me, comforts me when I need it, and looks out for me whenever he can.

"Not from what I could see. They're not really on good terms with eachother right now, but I don't really know why. Tom seems pissed off that you... you know... kissed his brother," Georg paused before finishing his last sentence.  

My heart broke at the thought of ruining the twin's relationship. I felt really bad that I had come between them, and wanted to make things right... eventually.

I attemped to peak out of the room to see if the boys were back, Georg noticing. "Bill's back, just so you know, but Tom decided to go somewhere else. He didn't specify where exactly he was going, so all I know is he didn't stay at the bar."

"Can I sleep here for tonight. I don't really want to face either of them until tommorrow," I asked him shyly. "Yeah, of course. Stay here as long as you need until you're ready," he patted my back before standing up, exiting the room.

Moments later, Gustav entered the room with Georg trailing behind him. They both crawled into bed, Georg laying down in the middle. I felt him rub my back as I layed down, closing my eyes as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

I fell asleep right away, being extremely exhausted from the recent events. I had to make things right with the twins tomorrow. I know that this will affect the tour if we aren't getting along, or aren't speaking with eachother. 

~~Morning Time ~~

An alarm blared in my ears, causing me to wake up abruptly. I slowly sat up, confused as to why an alarm was even set, due to us not having any early plans this morning. "Sorry Elle, that's my workout alarm. I wake up early to go to the gym," he said sleepily, turning off the alarm.

"Yeah, I can see that," I looked over Georg to see Gustav shifting slightly in his sleep before settling down again. Georg chuckled when he noticed what I was looking at. "He's used to it by now, even though it's only been a few days," he stood up and stretched his arms. "You can go back to sleep now though, it's only 6:30."

I groaned and dropped my head back down onto the pillow. "Have fun!" I said, attempting to sound enthusiastic but failing as I was still irritated from being woken up so early. On the plus side, there was now more space in the bed with one less person being in it. I sprawled out a bit more now, careful not to disturb Gustav who was still sleeping peacefully. Lucky for him. 

Right before I was off to dream land again, I remembered how Tom didn't come back to the bus last night. Worried thought filled my mind, and I wanted to make sure that he made it back safely, because he was most likely drunk from us being at a bar.

I slid out of bed carefully, and made my way to twin's room, pausing at the closed door before I reached my hand out to turn the handle. 

Jealousy - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now