I'm coming back..

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Guys I can't believe how much support this book has gotten even after I took a break for a few months..

But I have decided to come back now!!

I'm honestly so mean for leaving you guys with the cliffhanger like that, and I feel so bad now. I just randomly gained so much writing motivation out of nowhere (which I was lacking before), so I wanna give you guys what you've been asking for and continue the book.

Also I'm gonna continue my other story, Tokio Hotel Oneshots, aswell because, like I said before, I have so much motivation to write- especially with winter break coming up. 

School has literally taken over my life right now, and it's made me abandon my Tiktok acount aswell, but I'm gonna get back to posting on both Tiktok and Wattpad eventually.

The main reason for this long break was all school and drama with everything related to school, which was really stressful at the time.

I just need a few days to finish the next chapter, and I'll make sure to make it pretty long to make up for the missed time. (I'm posting this currently at 1 AM on a Monday but I hope to get it published this week)

Also have you heard Tokio Hotel's new Christmas Song?! (look at the banner at the top of the chapter)
Omg btw Tokio Hotel my #1 Spotify unwrapped artist <3 (as they should) 

Also I just wanna know if you guys want smut in this, because I have it included in my oneshots story and idk what y'all would think if I added it on Jealousy aswell... (I don't mind writing it btw..) I will leave warnings if I do add it, so don't worry about that- and you can obviously skip over it if you aren't into reading sexual content. **PLEASE LET ME KNOW THOUGH!**

I'm so sorry about the insanely long wait, but just so you know, you've all made me extremely happy with the amount of support you're giving, and I just wanna thank you so, so much. I'm so grateful for all of you.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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