Chapter Two

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"Uhh is practice still on?" I opened my eyes to see Georg and Gustav standing in the doorway, looking very confused. I was laying with my head on Bill's chest, and he had his arm resting on my back. Apparently, all three of us had fallen asleep, and for a long time. Tom slowly sat up and seemed to be just as confused at the other 2 boys were. "Yeah, sorry give me a sec," Bill had finally woken up.

Tom gently pulled me off of Bill and layed me down on his lap instead. "We have practice now," I said looking up at him. He just lied back down and pretended to fall back asleep again. I giggled, climbed off of the bed and followed the other band members to the basement, which we used as a practice area. I could hear Tom trailing behind us

"Here's the drum sticks by the way," Bill tossed Gustav his sticks. I grabbed 2 microphones and handed one to Bill. While the rest of the band got their instruments ready, Bill and I sat down together and grabbed out some of our lyrics sheets. "Which one first?" I asked Bill while he flipped through the papers. "Let's start with Monsoon. Lots of people are enjoying it right now," he handed me a sheet and we went through the parts that each of up would be singing.

I noticed Tom glancing over at us while we talked. What's his problem. It's not like this is a new thing. The band spent hours practicing songs until it was dinner time. "I'm starving. Let's go to dinner tonight," Georg said after we finised running through out last song of the day. "That sounds great!" I replied.

After we took a few minutes to get ready, we all got into the car and started driving. The twins were in the 2 front seats, and the rest of us were piled into the back. As we drove, I thought about Tom's odd attitude lately. Tom has always been on the more "shy" side, but Bill was super outgoing and friendly. So a lot of the time, Bill is easier to talk to. That's why I naturally have been closer to Bill, but I have my ways with Tom.


We all were sat down in a really nice booth in a fancy restaurant. We already got our drinks, and were waiting for our food to come. I sat in between Georg and Tom, while Gustav and Bill were on the other side. "Look at this Elle," Bill handed me his phone with an email on the screen. I scanned through the paragraphs before stopping at a sentence: "We were wondering if your band, Tokio Hotel, would be willing to go on a tour around Europe?" I read out loud to the rest of the band. 

"WHAT?!" my jaw dropped in shock. "That's amazing," Tom looked at me. He had such a sweet smile, and his lip piercing made it even better. "When is it happening?" Gustav asked. "Uhh the email said 2 weeks I think," I replied just before the waiter came and brought us our food.

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