Chapter Thirteen

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Author's Note:

**Hey loves! As some of you may know, I momentarily stopped updating for a bit due to having a busy schedule and no motivation to write. But now, I'm back and with a LOT more knowledge of Tokio Hotel since I started writing this story, and I will be using it a lot more when I'm writing.

So to start things off, I never really gave y'all an age range for the characters, but honestly you can choose whatever era you'd like (preferably between 2005-2011). Just know that you are a few months younger than the Kaulitz twins.  

I also now can start naming countries (and maybe cities) that the band is traveling on for tours, because I feel like it will work better with the story for you to know where the band is actually traveling to. Right now, they are currently in Germany to start off the tour.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the book!**

I silently opened the door and peaked into the room. The light provided from the sunrise was the only source of light that shined into the room. I took a step into the room to get a better look at the bed, to see who was sleeping in it. 

My heart sunk when I saw that there was only one person laying in the bed, that person having longer, black hair. I didn't not want to see Bill, I was just hoping to see that Tom was back aswell, and seeing that he wasn't saddened me. It also made me feel a bit nervous as to where he was currently. 

I decided to double check the rest of the bus, but had no luck after searching the entire place. I sat down on the couch in the living room, trying to think of what I should do now. Should I text or call Tom to try to figure out where he is? Or should I just wait it out and let him come back when he's ready?

My thoughts were interrupted when a door opened. My head quickly turned in the direction to see Bill sleepily shuffling out of his room, rubbing his eyes as he adjusted to the light. My cheeks turned red in embarrassment as he made eye contact with me. I thought that he would definately be mad at me for what I did last night.

But instead of being angry at me, he smiled at me.  

"Bill I'm really sorry for what I did last night," I spoke quietly to Bill, but my eyes were on the floor. "Don't worry about it, Elle," he came over and sat down on the couch beside me. "I just want to know why you did it. Do you like me as more than a friend, or was it for a different reason?"

"I.. I don't really know how to put it. I guess it's better for you to know the truth about this," I paused for a moment before continuing, but I know spoke with a quieter tone so only Bill could hear. "Can you promise that you won't tell anyone for now?"

Bill turned so he was completely facing me and he had his full attention on me. "Yes, of course Elle. I promise," he sincerely responded. I wasn't intending on telling anybody about this but I needed to tell Bill so he would understand why I actually kissed him.

"Well I saw Tom kissing another girl at the bar yesterday, which I know isn't a surprise, but I got this weird feeling inside this time," I started. Bill gasped before cutting me off. "You're jealous!," He teased.

"Let me finish," I lightly smacked his arm before continuing. "Well I guess you're not entirely wrong. I kinda kissed you to try to make him jealous, I guess." It felt strange to confess my feelings for Tom to his twin brother, but it was the right thing to do in the end. He should know the real reason. 

"You like him, don't you," Bill smirked. I was shocked that he wasn't angry or upset with me. A light pink colour washed over my cheeks as I blushed at Bill's comment. "I guess so, but wait... you aren't mad at me?"

"No, I'm not mad. I understand where you're coming from, and it makes sense why you did what you did," he responded. "Thanks Bill," I said before he opened his arms, bringing me into a hug. 

"Do you know where Tom is though?" I asked him, now worried again. "Nope. He was really mad at me yesterday. He didn't really say to much to me before he ran out. I don't think he was happy with us kissing," Bill replied. 

"He's not here right now. I checked the whole bus," I leaned back on the couch and ran my fingers through my hair. "Don't worry, he'll come to his senses eventually," Bill stood up and walked to the kitchen, which was only a few feet away, and started grabbing food for breakfast. "And we have to leave for the next city tomorrow, so he most likely will return by then," he added. 


I spent the rest of the day relaxing in the bus. Bill and Georg were out doing there own things, and Gustav and I were watching a tv show in the living room. Tom was still nowhere to be found, though.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and I took it out to look at the text. It was a text from David, to the our work group chat that the band had with our mangement team. 

David - So there's been a slight change in plans. You have to leave for Hamburg (the next city that the band in playing at) at 8:00 tonight. You have an important interview the next morning, so you have to arrive the night before. Can you all meet at the bus by then?

Georg - Alright

Bill - Okay, I'll be there in 10

Gustav - Elle and I are already at the bus, so we'll just wait here

David - Tom can you make it back by 8?

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I looked at the time on my phone, seeing that it was 7:15. Tom still has some time to make it back. Hopefully he saw the message. I heard Gustav chuckle at something one of the characters had said on the tv, which caused my focus to be drawn back to it. 

~~Time Skip~~

"Here is all you need to know about whats going on tomorrow."

The band, well everyone but Tom, was sat at a picnic table that was just outside of where the bus was parked. David was with us aswell, and is filling us in on our schedule for tomorrow. "You have an interview at 10:30 tomorrow morning, but your driver will come pick you up at 9. You'll arrive at the location by 9:15, and right when you get there you have to head straight to hair and makeup. This is going to be a big interview for you guys, because you are currently on tour, and this will be broadcasted on a really popular television channel. So make sure you're prepared," David informed us. 

I was excited for this interview, knowing that it was being hosted by a really popular show host. We also had a large live audience that was going to be there aswell. David glanced at his watch, before standing up abruptly. 

"You guys have to leave now. Any questions," he asked. We all shook our heads and stood up aswell. "Okay then, I'll meet you there," David turned and started walking towards his car, which was parked a few feet away. 

"But what about Tom?" Bill asked, worry in his voice. It was obvious that he was worried about his brother. David froze in placed for a second, then turned to face us again. "Do any of you know where he is?" he asked.

We all replied with a "no", to which David shruged his shoulders to. "Well, I don't know what to do then, if you can't get ahold of him," he replied, sounding a bit frustrated. "You can go wait in the bus for now, and I'll see what I can do."

The band entered the bus, all sitting down in the living room together in silence. After a few moments passed, a knock on the door caused us all to turn our head to where the sound came from. I jumped up, eager to see it it was the person that I was waiting for all day. I opened the door as I felt the 3 boy's eyes on me, also trying to see who it was. 

In front of me stood a very beat-up, exhausted looking Tom. 

Jealousy - Tom KaulitzOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora