2- Anyone else bored?

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Tonks's POV-

The meeting had finished ages ago, but I honestly couldn't be bothered to go home. Me and Remus were sat in the study, sharing random facts and getting to know each other a little better. He already knew quite a bit about me, mainly thanks to Mad-eye but also that I sometimes can't control my Metamorphosis.

"So you were a Marauder?" I gasped as he told me, remembering the stories that Sirius used to recount to me. He would often babysit me and bring round a friend which I only knew as Prongs, "What was your name?"

"You know about that?" He asked confusedly, staring at me with a suspicious look in his eyes.

"Course." I grinned back at him, "Sirius is my cousin. I haven't seen him since I was nine though, our parents didn't get on at all, and well, then he was sent to Azkaban."

"Oh." He said, nodding as realisation dawned on him, "Well my name was Moony."

"Why were you called Moony?" I asked curiously, poking him in the ribs as I joked about, "Wolf or something?  You're not a werewolf are ya?"

"Well actually..." He mumbled, blushing bright red.

"You are?" I grinned, "Awesome. I mean, poor you." I corrected myself at the last moment, thinking that I might insult him slightly. To my relief, he only laughed, his face visibly lighting up as I gave a positive response.

"That," He said, still chuckling slightly, "Is perhaps the weirdest reaction I have ever got."

"Sorry." I mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed, the blush reaching up to my

"But by far the best." He added on, still smiling brightly.

"Anyone else bored?!" My crazy cousin chose that particular moment to come crashing through the door, yelling at the top of his lungs. He jumped up onto the sofa and started bouncing, black curls flicking all over his face.

"Seriously mate? We're old now." Remus stated tiredly, looking at me curiously when I scoffed loudly.

"Sirius you're not five and Remus you haven't turned one hundred and six, grown a massive beard and need false teeth yet!" I laughed hysterically, my hair going an even brighter shade of electric blue. After a couple of seconds, the two men joined in my laughter, Remus face palming and Sirius climbing down off of the sofa.

"I'm proud to call you my cousin Nymphadora Tonks." He said happily, draping one arm over my shoulder.

"I'll be nice and pretend that you didn't call me that." I replied sweetly, smiling innocently up at him.

"Its getting late." Remus said, "I'm gonna turn in."

"Siriusly!" I nearly yelled, "Its only, like, ten!"

"Do you wanna stay the night Tonks?" Sirius asked, "I've got a spare room if you do."

"Could I?" I checked gratefully, giving him a massive hug, "Cheers cuz."

"Well, night." Remus shrugged, getting to his feet and walking out of the room, "See you tomorrow."

"Coming up yet?" My cousin asked me, also standing up.

"No thanks." I smiled at him, "Think I'm gonna stay and read for a bit." I conjured up one of the Muggle books I'd brought a few weeks ago. It was called 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' and was quite possibly the most beautiful thing I had ever read.

"Night." Sirius said, placing a swift kiss on my forehead before following Remus out of the door.


Remus's POV-

Midnight. I still wasn't asleep, just lying awake in bed, worrying about the upcoming full moon, less than two days away. After at least half an hour, I decided that I would make myself hot chocolate, reasoning that if I couldn't sleep I could at least be relaxed. I pulled a dressing gown over the top of my pajamas, wrapping it around myself to stay warm.

The stairs creaked as I walked down them, my teeth chattering slightly. I was just passing the study when I heard quiet footsteps. I instantly stopped dead, my eyes scanning all around me.

"Hey." Someone said quietly behind me and I spun on the spot, drawing my wand. I blushed immediately, Nymphadora Tonks was standing in front of me, yawning loudly as she rubbed her eyes.

"Sorry." I said quickly, lowering my arm as fast as I could.

"Its okay." She shrugged it off, much to my relief, "I didn't mean to frighten you."

"I was just coming downstairs to get something to calm me down a bit." I explained hurriedly, heading into the kitchen, "Couldn't sleep."

"Me neither." She yawned loudly, "I've got loads of work to catch up with for the Ministry and I've barely down anything. Been up all night worrying about it." She walked past me into the kitchen, nearly tripping a couple of times but I caught her, "Came to get a drink."

"I'll do it." I said, pushing her down into a chair as she tried to stifle a yawn, "Hot chocolate or tea?"

"Hot chocolate please Remus." She sighed, leaning her head back and letting her eyelids droop as much as she tried not to. She fell asleep almost instantly, her head gently lolling to one side. I watched her as I moved around the kitchen, a small smile threatening to cross my face every time I saw her out of the corner of my eye.

It took my a while to make the drinks, I had no idea where anything was and Kreacher refused to help because I was friends with the 'half blood freak Nymphadora'.

"Tonks." I whispered, shaking her slightly as I placed the warm mug next to her, "Tonks, hot chocolate."

After a minute or so, it became apparent that she wasn't going to wake up, no matter how much I tried. I decided that the best thing to do would be to let her sleep, so I levitated her through into the study, laying her on the sofa. I wrapped a blanket around her, leaving the hot chocolate on the coffee table in the centre of the room.

She stirred slightly, making me freeze, but nothing happened. I chuckled quietly as her hair turned a pale pink, falling almost elegantly across her face. After a couple of seconds, my eyelids also started to close. I stood and left the room, yawning loudly. For the first time that night, I was confident that I could sleep well.

~A.N- I'll update when I can, got school tests and stuff like that :'-(.~

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