28- Reactions

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"Is it wrong that I'm nervous?" Remus asked as he and Dora made their way up the path to her parents house. Night was falling fast, and within minutes it would most likely be pitch black.

"Are you?" She asked teasingly, giving him a playful nudge in the ribs with her elbow, "It'll be fine babe. I promise." Light spilled out onto the path in front of them as the door flew open, revealing Ted Tonks standing there with a huge smile on his jolly face.

"Dora." He laughed loudly, welcoming his only daughter with a huge hug before turning to the lycanthrope beside her, "And you must be the Remus Lupin dear Molly has told me all about."

"Yes sir." Remus stammered, slightly taken aback by the cheerful welcome, but shaking the plump man's hand anyway.

"No need to be so formal." The man replied with a grin, "From what I've been hearing from Molly and Alastor, you two are thick as thieves. You're practically family lad." Dora laughed slightly, rolling her eyes at her father before quickly glancing at Remus just to check he was ok.

"Nymphadora!" The laughter was cut off by another shout, and they were soon greeted by Andromeda running down the path to join them. The pink haired girl greeted her mother with a lighter hug and a gentle kiss on each cheek. Andromeda smiled proudly at her before noticing Remus and it grew even wider, "Hello Remus dear." She smiled, shaking his hand like her husband had done, "Nice to meet you at last. Heard a lot about you."

"All good I hope." He smiled. The kindness they treated him with, though they didn't know it, meant a lot to his scarred soul. It was acceptance, even love. They called him family.

"Certainly." Ted smiled, "Please, do come in. I'll put the kettle on and see if I can dig around and find some biscuits." The four headed into the house, Ted going to the small kitchen and the other three to the living room. Andromeda settled herself on one sofa, Remus taking the spot opposite and Dora curling up beside him.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" The dark haired woman asked, smiling widely at them both, "Molly's was telling me all about how long its taken to get even this far when she came over last week." Dora laughed uncomfortably, ever so slightly tightening her grip on Remus's hand.

"That's kinda what we wanted to talk about." She said, "Please don't like overreact or anything, but we're engaged." Dora bit her lip nervously, eying her mothers stony expression with terror in her deep blue eyes.

"Wow." Was all Andromeda said, running a hand through her brown curls, "Congratulations. Nym sweetie can I talk to you for a second?" Remus could feel a sob rising in his throat, this was where they crossed the comfort zone. The young girl gave his hand a quick squeeze before getting up and following her mum out of the room. Remus watched them go, terrified, but still with complete and utter faith in his future wife.

"You really love her don't you." He was snapped from his trance by a voice from the doorway. He turned and saw Ted standing there, smiling down warmly at him before saying, "I heard. 'Dromeda will calm down in a minute." He took the spot his wife had just vacated, leaning forwards on his legs to get a better look at the man in front of him.

"Thanks." Remus said weakly, managing a small smile, "I was worried this would happen. My condition and all."

"Not at all." Ted frowned, "Welcome to the family and I'll be proud to call such a brave man my son. Just give the two girls a sec to sort it out." Sure enough, a few seconds later, the door opened and the two walked in, both rather flushed and angry looking.

"Congrats you two." Andromeda smiled, tears of joy in her eyes, "And all the best. Welcome to the family Remus."

"When are you having the ceremony?" Ted asked, earning him a disappointed look from his wife for ruining the moment, but he ignored it.

"As soon as possible really." His daughter replied, going over to stand with Remus, who had got to his feet, and pulling him into a one armed hug, "I mean, we may not have much time left and... well... I don't really wanna have to wait."

"Well, good luck and we'll help as much as we can." Andromeda nodded, sensing the finality in her daughters tone and starting to head towards the door into the hall. They followed, clustering by the door in the narrow hallway.

"Bye mum, dad." Dora grinned, hugging the respective parent in turn.

"Bye sweetie." Ted smiled, "And welcome to the family Remus."

The two headed out of the door, apparating together on the step. They landed outside the gate of the rented house on the cliff, the cold wind making Dora curl up closer to Remus's chest.

"So see," she said softly as they headed down the path, "Not that bad."

"Could have been worse." Remus agreed as he unlocked the door, tucking the key back into his pocket when done with it, "We have Molly to thank though really. At least she softened the blow a bit."

"I can't believe this is finally happening." Dora grinned as she locked the door behind them, casting a couple of spells over it, "Its all falling into place. We're getting married."

WEDDING NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!! Yay! Thanks for reading.


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