14- I'm Sorry

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Tonks's POV-

Slowly, everything slid into focus. A bright, white light shone down into my face, snapping me awake. I could just about make out a face above me and, as my eyes grew accustomed to the light, I couldn't help but grin. Remus was sitting in a chair beside me, a newspaper in his hands. Suddenly it clicked in my brain, I was in St Mungos, after the battle. I lifted up the covers, seeing if there was any lasting damage on my body. A large, solid cast was wrapped all around my chest and stomach, covering most of me which I was quite thankful of. I slowly put the covers back down and once more looked at the man above me.

"Hey Rem." I smiled slightly, looking up at him. He jumped slightly, but as soon as he noticed me, he closed the paper and turned in to face me. He looked like he'd crying, and I instantly started to panic. He wouldn't cry for me, so someone must have died.

"Hello Tonks." He said cheerfully, but it was obviously fake, "How are you feeling?"

"In pain." I replied simply, not even joking around. My whole stomach felt like it was on fire and I could've sworn there was the smell of ash, but it may have been my imagination, "Rem?" I asked tentatively, "Who's dead?"

He burst into tears the moment I finished the sentence. I pushed on my hands, managing to push myself up to sitting, but with a lot of effort and through almost unbearable pain. Remus leaned into me, tears still streaming down his face, so I did what felt natural and cradled his head against my chest, stroking his cheek gently as I tried to calm him down.

"Hey, hey." I whispered softly, gently teasing the knots out of his hair with the first finger on my right hand and rubbing small circles on his back with my left. I just let him cry, knowing he would never let it all out in front of someone else, "Its okay. Just let it all go. Cry as much as you need. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. No matter what."

"I'm sorry." He whispered, "I'm sorry I really am. You must think I'm so pathetic. Crying like a baby."

"You're not pathetic at all Remus." I said kindly, meaning every word of it, "You've done so well with everything, what's pathetic is what you're forced to deal with. You are, without a doubt, the least pathetic being I've ever had the honour to meet. Just let it all go. I'm here for you."

I rested my cheek on top of his head, gently rocking backwards and forwards. His whole body heaved with each sob, but he slowly calmed down and the distance between them took longer.

"I'm so sorry." He said in a quiet voice, pulling back, holding my shoulders and looking me straight in the eye, "But Bellatrix. She... she killed Sirius."

Remus's POV-

She gasped loudly, her eyes dimming as she let out a strangled cry. I'd expected her to burst into tears straight away, but her immediate reaction was to just close her eyes and sit still for a couple of seconds. I went to stand up, but she put two fingers gently on my elbow and stopped me. After a few more seconds, she leant sideways and put her head on my shoulder, like she used to do when we alone on missions.

"Was it quick?" She asked after a couple more seconds, concern heavy in her voice and even a tinge of guilt.

"Easier than falling asleep." I replied gently, holding her closer as she tucked her knees up to her chin, "How are you though? I thought that I'd lost you as well for a while."

"I'm okay." She mumbled, before her hair started to turn blood red and her eyes darkened, "But if I ever get hold of Bellatrix, I am going to kill her."

"Shush." I murmered into her hair, "Rest a bit first. She got you hard. Umm, Tonks, there was actually something I kind of wanted to say."

"What?" She asked confusedly, looking up at me with her big, baby blue eyes. It was all I could do not to kiss her there and then, but I bit back the urge.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that..." I was broken off mid sentence by a young Healer rushing into the room.

"Oh sorry." She said, smiling apologetically as she noticed my arm around Tonks, "I didn't mean to interrupt anything."

"Its fine." I waved it off, though I was starting to wish I had admitted it when I had the chance, "We were just talking." She smiled thankfully at me, making her way over to the other side of the bed.

"They said I should just give you a quick checkup and if you want to leave you can Miss Tonks." She instantly lifted her head off my shoulder, moving along slightly and propping herself up on the pillows.

I gently wiped away a couple of Tonks's small tears with my thumb before slipping my hand into hers, leaving it loose on the bed beside her. She looked curiously at me, blushing slightly, but smiled and gave it a quick squeeze.

The Healer ran a couple of small tests on her, basically just checking her heartbeat or resealing the cut in her forehead. I watched nervously, occasionally noticing that Tonks was looking up at me and locking eyes, welcoming the little charge of fireworks it sent through my fingertips.

"Well Miss Tonks." She said after another minute or so, "It looks like everything will be okay, as long as you remember to go easy and we can release you. Do you want to go?"

"Yes please." She grinned, reluctantly letting go of my hand as she went to sat up. Her clothes (she was in just her underwear under the bandage) were hanging over the back of my chair, so as soon as the Healer was gone, I passed them to her.

It took every last shred of self control I had to not want to see the figure she always hid beneath jumpers so it felt like my neck was almost battling with itself as I looked away. After a minute or two, she tapped my shoulder and I turned back to her. She was kneeling up on the bed in a miniskirt, tights and a top advertising some Muggle festival called Glastonbury.

"You coming or I shall I leave you there all day?" She asked cheekily, the smile not quite reaching her sad eyes.

"Sorry." I apologised automatically, making her laugh, "What?"

"Nothing, its just cute." She grinned back, "Not like that... but... oh well, you know what I mean."

I wish she knew just how cute she looked.

Young GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora