20- Old Friends

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Tonks's POV-

"Dora?" The visitor who was now walking towards me down the path gasped.  I looked across at them, curious but not scared.  As they entered the light spilled from the door, I gasped too.  I quickly dropped the cigarette and stamped it out on the floor.  Standing there, ginger hair to his elbows, scars, burns. 

"Charlie." I breathed, running forwards with a brighter smile than I had worn in days.  My best ever friend, fellow Hogwarts idiot and the only other person I had ever loved.  But, I didn't feel the way I thought I would when I saw him again.  Relief yes, but not the same raw lust as once before. 

He had been my boyfriend in fifth, sixth and seventh year; and my best friend before that.  The only reason we broke up was because he was leaving for Romania and neither of us wanted to have to be in a long distance relationship.  Before I met Remus, I had always hoped he would come back and we could be happy.  I had never once stopped feeling the way I did for Charlie, but it was less than before.  I had kept the charm for someone special.  Sure I had had my fair share of other boyfriends and one night stands, but none quite compared to Charlie, or to Remus.  I threw myself into his arms, nearly crying with joy.  My arms were tight around his neck and his around my waist as he spun me around, laughing as I let out a shocked scream.

"I missed you Nymph." He grinned into my ear, "But hey, I'm back now."  I pulled back as he put me down and gently stroked his cheek.  His skin still felt exactly the same as it did seven years ago, and his eyes were the same caring brown.  But not like his.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him breathlessly, still in a state of shock, "I mean, not that I'm complaining but, I thought you were in Romania."

"Came back for the night.  Working still though." He said solemnly, "Brought a couple of dragons too.  Merlin I've missed you Dora."

"I've missed you too." I smiled, tracing his cheek bone with two fingers.  Once upon an easier time, I would've kissed him.  But I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Charlie!" The moment was cut off by Molly Weasley bursting through the front door and out into the garden.  She had a small tear on her cheek, but the widest smile I would've thought humanly possible.  Charlie put me down with a flourish and let his mother gather him into a tight hug, "What are you doing here?"

"I was dropping off a couple of dragons for the Minister.  Thought I'd pop in and say hi." He said warmly, still hugging her, "I'm leaving 'bout five tomorrow morning."

In a way, I was almost relieved.  I didn't want to have to admit to Charlie that I no longer loved him.  The man I loved refused to return my feelings, and I no longer knew how I felt about the man who loved me.

Remus's POV-

"Hello my old friend." I heard a deep, throaty growl from behind me.  The three men holding me down immediately fell silent, looking down.  I had been ambushed from behind as I made my way down to the hideouts.

A hand grabbed the hair on the back of my head and yanked it back.  My blood ran cold as I saw who it was towering above me.

"Long time no see Mr Lupin." He hissed, starting to make his way around me, "Now can someone explain why he's decided to join us in our humble abode?"

"Not sure Mr Greyback." The man on my left said in a deep Scottish accent, "We found him snoopin' around.  Thought you'd like to know."

"Thank you Lawson." Fenrir snarled, "I certainly did." He was standing right in front of me now, forcing my head back to look at him, "What are you doing here?"

"Just passing through." I lied quickly, gasping as Lawson twisted my wrist.

"Tell the truth." He snarled, "Or we'll kill you." My head smacked hard against the floor as Greyback pulled me forwards.  My hands were released and I quickly reached for my wand.

"Not so fast." Another growled, slipping a hand into my pocket.  I held my breath, but he instead pulled out the blue stone that Dora had given me.  My stomach tightened as I thought of her, that I probably wouldn't go back to her.  But at least it meant she could choose someone else to love, "What's this?"

"A promise." I answered calmly, "From a friend.  She thinks I'll forget her."

"How cute." Greyback sneered, "Such a pity that she'll never see you again."

And then, black.

Charlie's POV-

"So how are things with you?" I asked nervously, trying to make conversation.  I could tell Dora was nervous about something, she was fidgeting and her hair was a crisp brown.

"Not bad thanks." She said weakly, trying to crack a smile, "I'm an auror, still single and have just had a huge falling out with one of my best friends.  Apart from that, nothing much. Things alright with you?"

"Yeah alright." I smiled, "Still working with dragons.  Haven't had a single girlfriend since I broke up with you.  Reckon its your fault.  And, yeah that's about it."

"Sorry." She smiled and my stomach lurched.  Everything about her amazed me, she never ceased to surprise me.  And of course, there was a reason I never wanted another girlfriend.  She had everything good in her, and my heart, "When are you going?"

"Not long." I sighed, looking at the clock, "Ten-ish.  You?"

"I should probably head off now to be honest." She groaned, getting to her feet.  I did the same, quickly checking the doorway to see if anyone else was there, "Get to Hogsmeade for work."

"Bye." I hugged her, "Hopefully I'll see you when all of this is over." She hugged me back, but not properly.

The girl I had fallen head over heels for didn't love me back.  Someone else had stolen her heart.  I wanted her, yes, but at least she could be happy.

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