26- Oh My Merlin

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This chapter does ramble on a bit so be prepared:-).

"Remus where have you been?" He was greeted by shouting the moment his foot was over the threshold, "I've been so worried!" Dora ran straight into him, wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight hug. He held her back, taking in a deep breath of her wonderful smell. He could feel small amounts of wet on his shoulder, in the nook where her face was buried, "Please don't do that." She whispered into his jumper, clutching at him like she would never let go, "I thought I'd lost you." She pulled away and sure enough, tears trickled down her cheeks, though she quickly swept them away.

"I'm sorry." He replied, "Just had to do something."

"What?" She demanded, hair starting to darken to a red as she fixed her hands on her hips.

"Get you a present." Remus answered calmly, shutting the door behind him, "Tonight, I am going to take you out to town in the new dress you have." Dora let out a gasp and covered her mouth, new tears forming in her wide, sparkly eyes.

"Thank you so much." She wrapped him up in another warm hug, chin leaning over his shoulder, "You're so amazing."


"Here you go." Remus smiled brightly, handing Dora the big box which contained the dress he had bought her, "I hope you like it." She took it from him and gently slid the lid open, biting her bottom lip nervously. Straight away a large gasp escaped from her mouth, the expression of awe on her face nearly making Remus laugh.

"Its beautiful." She breathed, pulling the thick velvet out of its packaging, "Oh Remus I love it." The young girl draped the material over her arms so she could reach up and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. She dumped the now empty white box on the bed and held the dress up to its full height.

"Try it on." The werewolf suggested with a nod towards the bathroom door, still smiling widely, "I want to see just how beautiful you are." She bestowed upon him another brief hug, slight tears twinkling in her eyes as she headed into the bathroom.

Remus changed while she did, ending with a white shirt, black trousers and deep blue blazer like Dora's dress. As he waited for her to come out, he kept checking the box in his pocket; once or twice even checking to make sure the ring was still there.

But when she finally emerged, his heart skipped a beat and he knew it had been worth it. The dress fit her perfectly, accentuating each of her curves and rippling midway down her thighs. Her hair was its usual bubblegum pink and tied back in a high, slightly scruffy ponytail, tickling the bare skin on her back where the dress formed a hole. Best of all were her eyes. Pale twinkling blue with streaks of darker, like a precious gem glittering in the setting sun's warm light.

"You'll catch flies." She said softly, snapping him out of his trance. Only then did he realise she was standing right in front of him, eyes fixed on his and first two fingers on his chin. She pushed it up, closing the mouth he didn't even realise was open.

"You look gorgeous." He managed to stammer, constantly getting distracted by what perfection looked like in his mind. She let out a light laugh, twisting his stomach into knots which released instantly when she smiled.

"Thank you. So where are you taking me?"

"To watch a new play." He answered warmly, wrapping an arm around her waist and leading her down into the living room, "Theatre." Dora gasped again, a hand going to her mouth as she leant on his shoulder.

"You shouldn't have." She half whispered as they headed out of the door into the garden, cold night air hitting their faces, "Oh, you are too perfect."

"Anything for you." Remus smiled as he locked the door, taking his hand away from her waist for only a couple of seconds before he turned around and replaced it, "Because you should only have the best."

The next second, the two lovers disappeared with a crack, Dora curled up against his chest. They reappeared in a back alley, the lights of the road visible up ahead. She reached down and slipped her fingers in between his as they started to walk, her boots clicking on the pavement. The alley opened up onto a main high street, London she reckoned. Obviously she had no idea where she was going, so had no other option but to follow Remus as he pulled her through the crowds.

At long last, the hustle died down and the road opened up to a huge building with 'Brewhouse Theatre' written against it. Dora let out a low whistle in awe, giving her boyfriend's hand a quick squeeze.

As they entered, Remus approached the young woman behind the counter. They had a hurried conversation, occasionally looking over at Dora but after a couple of seconds, the woman nodded and smiled.

Remus walked back over to Dora and looped his arm through hers, a wide grin on his face. She leant on his shoulder as they started to walk, heading for a huge pair of double doors opposite them.

"What are we watching?" She asked softly as they entered the dimmed room, taking seats near the back.

"The Wind in the Willows." He replied with a small smile pulling at the edges of his lips, "With a twist at the end."


"And thank you for watching!" The man on stage announced as it finished an hour and a half later, "But! One last thing before we go. Could Mr Remus Lupin and Dora Tonks please make their down onto our stage please!"

"What?" Dora gasped, looking confusedly at Remus as the crowd began to clap and cheer. But he just smirked and stood up, pulling her with him. She stumbled after as he started to walk down towards the stage. Several people in the crowd wolf whistled as they saw her, making the blush on her pale cheeks even more pronounced.

The actor held out a hand for her as they approached the stage, which reached up to the young girl's waist. She accepted it gladly, smiling as he helped pull her up. Remus followed just after, hand constantly checking his pocket. As they reached the centre of the stage the cries died down, leaving the huge room in tense silence.

"Dora." Remus said gently, facing her as a microphone was shoved under his nose, "All these years I've been desperate to say this. And yes, its been hard, but please, make me the happiest man alive. Marry me?" He dropped down onto one knee, pulling the box out of his pocket and flicking it open with a click. Dora gasped again, fully audible to the cooing room, tears welling in her pale eyes. She couldn't say 'yes' quick enough, throwing herself into his arms and planting her lips firmly on his to so much applause it was deafening.

Perfect. A single word that sums up so much when one is stuck for words. But it ought to be used carefully. Or so Dora thought, because up until then she hasn't believed it existed. But that moment, up on stage, the ring slipping on her finger, there was no other word.

Awww!! This ridikulusly late chapter is dedicated to Aideen_Child for just being amazing :-P.


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