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The hike had commenced, and they were now an hour in. Everyone was now sweating and breathing heavily, probably regretting their decision of joining the club.

As hike had begun, Kitty used the opportunity to catch Hana up with everything happening. She and told her about how awful her new roommate was. She also mentioned that her mom might of had a child in Korea, and that she was trying to investigate. In addition she explained the real reason she wanted to go on the hike. She wanted to have some alone time with Dae to talk things out. But her plan was obviously not going to work with Yuri present.

Hana was trailing behind the group. Kitty had left her to walk up front, waiting for an open window to talk to Dae. She didn't really mind though. Walking alone gave her time to think. And it also game her the opportunity to glare at the redhead sticking to Minho like a piece of gum.

"Aghh, worm, worms worm!" Yuri screamed.

"We're in nature. Embrace it." Q retorted.

"Is it on me? Ew I felt a worm fall on me!Where is it?"

Hana spotted it in her hair and ran up to her to help get it out. "Stand still it's in your hair." She plucked it out only for her hand to be smacked away.

"Don't touch me! I don't want your hands on me."

"I was just trying to help." Hana said

"I don't need help! Especially from someone who thinks of me as a liability." She responded, sharply, before walking off to cling to Dae.

Hana stood there shocked and confused by her words. She had never ever thought of Yuri as a liability, so where had she heard that from?

Standing still, she had been lost in thought for a while. When she looked up, she realized that her group was nowhere in sight. She started to panic a little bit but tried to maintain her composure.

She tried to call out for them, but her voice was hoarse from her cold and she knew it wouldn't carry far. She wondered to herself how she zoned out so badly that she didn't notice when the others were gone.

As she walked through the woods, Hana could feel her anxiety rising. She didn't know what to do and wished she had paid more attention to her surroundings. Hana was getting more and more lost, and the woods were starting to look unfamiliar.

It had now been about 10 minutes and the group where still nowhere to be found. Hana took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. She had never been lost in the woods before and the thought of spending a night there terrified her.
She didn't even have warm clothes or food with her.

She tried to remember the route she had taken before getting lost but everything looked the same.

She wondered if anyone would even notice she was gone. Maybe they thought she had gone back or something. That thought caused a pang of loneliness wash over her.

Suddenly, she heard an animal noise. She looked around frantically for in fear of what could be lurking around. She tried calling Kitty, but there was no signal. Hana's heart raced as she started to hyperventilate. In her 16 years of living, she had only ever had 3 panic attacks in her life and they didn't last long, but as her breaths got shorter and her hands immediately began to tremble, she had a feeling this time it would be different.

Hana sat down on a nearby rock, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths. She tried to remember the mindfulness exercises her therapist had taught her last year when she was struggling with anxiety. She focused on her breathing, trying to tune out the sounds of the forest, but it just didn't seem to work.

Hana's heart was pounding in her chest as she heard the animal noise again. She tried to stay still, but her body was shaking with fear. She wished she had never gone on the hike, never left the safety of her dorm room. She wondered if her parents would even care if she disappeared in these woods.

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