~ Before it all happened ~

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Y/N's pov:

8:29am, Paris, France.

I had just woken up 34minutes and 12 seconds ago. I can't help but feel anxious today, something doesn't sit right.. nothing feels okay. I sat on my bed staring at the wall before me, it was once covered in pictures of my friends, family and pets. It soon changed.. my friends were no more, the world felt as if it were collapsing. My family had abandoned me, apparently something was.. wrong with me. I never understood what was wrong with me. I had always been the same. Blank, empty, useless. Trash left on the side of the road. I'm 18 tomorrow. And I live alone, I despise being alone. It's discomforting. That's something I can feel.. or well what my brain can imagine. I have my book set aside on an empty table, there was a pen there, I tended to write things down on it, what I'm supposedly feeling. Emptiness.. fear possibly, blank. The only thing that occupies me in this sad lonely life.. should I even call it a life that is.. is numbers, I like counting time passing by, it helps feed my empty mind. It's been 2 minutes and 47 seconds since I've been thinking now. I finally decided to get up, get dressed, go outside, pretend.. pretend.. and pretend. Pretend that I am normal, that I have emotions, that.. I'm like everyone else, but am I really like everyone else.. mother always called me a mistake to the family. Why you must be wondering? When I was younger I couldn't help myself, I couldn't feel.. someone asked me to fight them, so I did. They died, and I felt no remorse, no regret, nothing. I stood in their blood, glancing at their body.. my mother says I have an illness of feeling nothing and having such strength. It's inhumane she says, it's absurd. I fell into the trap of trying to feel something for her.. I pray everyday to feel at least something.. anything. Whether it's sorrow, anger, happiness, jealousy, just not emptiness. I got distracted in my own mind again, how odd. This is new, maybe this off feeling today is what's causing it.. I feel like my end is walking my way. I sigh and move to my window, 1..2..3 steps. My room is rather small, but at least it does the job. I open my window and look out taking in a breath of the cozy breeze. And soon walk back in, I take some clothes out from my drawer, a white turtleneck, a long brown skirt and brown boots. I grab my satchel and put it around my neck and on my shoulder. I quickly put a few books I need to return in the library.

I start running seeing time passing by too fast, no time for breakfast, and I'll be late to my job. I stop in front of the library and drop off my three books.. they help me free my mind sometimes, I may not feel but I can definitely imagine. The woman looks at me oddly, I don't know why, maybe I had something on my face? Who knows. She quickly left with the books and I walked out of the library. I look into my satchel and notice I'm forgetting my notebook, and my necklace, those two things are the only items who give me a meaning in this miserable life. So I hurry up and walk back to my apartment. Unlocking the.. wait a minute the door wasn't locked or at least the keyhole was cracked open. I rush in looking around uncaringly, and grab my notebook and necklace. Soon hearing footsteps walk up towards me, that is what I sensed since this morning.. 10:41am, I look at the clock, I take my choice and decide on not running away but accepting fate. If this is the day I were to die, I'd accept it open handedly. I look outside to my window, the flowers blossoms and the trees in the wind. I feel someone put their hand on my throat.. my breathing hitches. I accept it, I accept fate, I will be free from this terrifying world. This miserable hell hole. His hand.. yes his, I noticed it was rather big, with veins on it. It only made sense that it were a man and the way he stood over me. His breathing.. it all sounded like a man.. his hand on my throat got tighter, I didn't fight back.. I see my world fluttering black.. my eyes were closing as I struggled for air, gasping, gagging. I cough one last time.. and there it is, my last breath or so I thought.. I felt like I was falling, is this the feeling of death, it feels do peaceful, so calming. It feels magical.. maybe it is magical. I hear a noise, it's loud. I seem to have hit a rough spot, I must be in hell. The noise of a portal seems to open up and I fall from a height thudding on the ground, everything was silent, I couldn't wake up. I couldn't hear, I couldn't move but I was aware. People were there... a few seconds past I couldn't even count this time. I sat up immediately and coughed, and coughed. Seeing blood on the ground, he must've hit something as he was chocking me.. I slowly open my eyes, I'm outside, everything feels dead here, but soldiers were in front. For the first time in my life, I felt something, my throat burned, it hurt so much..
I wondered lost in my mind.. where am I, what am I. It feels inhumane. This pain, this rage this need of vengeance over coming me. I held my chest as a soldier walked forward. His name was spoken. I could merely hear it.. it was something like.. « Private 45B-76423 Seamus Fletcher. You are under arrest for walking on private grounds. » I feel him grabbing my wrists and putting them together.. I didn't fight back once again. As long as I had my objects in my bag. I was chained up in the back of a van. And my legs were strapped down and I was blindfolded. I felt it starting to drive off. 6 hours 27 mins in there.. in that mini hell. Silence.. silence. Silence. It was torture to me. I'm a lost girl, in a lost world. My name is y/n Witter. I'm 17 today but 18 tomorrow. My story starts here.. starts in an unknown location..


Word count: 1102

Thank you for reading this first part! I will soon start part 2! I love and adore Shatter Me! If you have any ideas for this feel free to comment.. goodbye Love.

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