~ Two Months. ~

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Paris, 4:44am:

Y/N's pov:

I had awoken from another nightmare, same hour as every single fucking night. I hated it. Ever since I had dropped back into this world I had been unable to return to where Aaron was. Shifting Dimensions sucked fucking ass. Yes I use the word fucking all the time. I'm enraged, it's so damn blood boiling. 2 whole months I've been stuck in this dirty hellhole. I wanted to go back.

A part of me wanted to know if it had been a dream all this time. If Aaron even existed and if he did, was he searching for me. Was Juliette worried. Is Adam treating her well. Is Kenji alright.

So many Questions circled in my head.

I couldn't get back to sleep. It was like a living nightmare. So, I finally got up out of bed. Yes, maybe I should fear going out of my bedroom especially with all the paranoia I get going into my apartment, alone, and at night. But I still did it.

I was only dressed in my pyjamas. Which consisted of a white tank top and black booty shorts. My hair tied up in a bun that was slowly falling into a ponytail.

I groaned as my hand bumped into something by accident. After all, It's nighttime so, I couldn't see much at all. I just wanted to grab some water and a smoke before going to bed. I turned on the small light in my kitchen, it flickered. Nothing out of the ordinary. I couldn't have been arsed to actually fix it. Nor did I have the money to fix it. I didn't have a job anymore, I was restless, heartbroken, and angered. So many emotions that I had blocked out in the past and I really.. really wanted to absolutely ruin someone's face with my fist. Adam's more precisely. He wanted me to escape. He planned it.. he fucking planned it and now I was stuck in this living hell.

I sighed, putting away those thoughts for later. Instead, I grabbed a cup from my dirty sink. It was clean either, but I couldn't care less to clean everything up, nor did I have the energy to do so. I felt like crumbling to the ground just knowing I'd have to clean it one day. But, in the meantime I just filled it with water and grabbed my smoked and lighter.

Quickly, I made my way to the 'Balcony' of my apartment and watched the city lights that flickered and the bloody little shits in the street yelling at each other, all of them being drunk. Let's say, I didn't live in the richest part of Paris. Is it surprising ? Absolutely not.

I lit my cigarette, and coughed lightly, fuck, even my health is crumbling to shattered pieces. I didn't give a flying fuck though. I could die, it didn't matter to me. But it seemed every time I'm about to die I get sent to a different dimension.. that reminded me that I never achieved the idea I had gotten to go back to Warner. I took in a breath of smoke and took a sip of the water, soon spitting it out.

"Of course there was expired milk in the bottom of the glass!! This tastes disgusting!" But I quickly shut up. Feeling something.. no someone. Take my arm. I got a few seconds to turn around and saw what seems to be.. the man who tried to murder me once.

My eyes widened in surprised. He pushed me. He pushed me.. hepushedmehepushedmehepushedme. I felt the wind go through my hair on my way down to hit the ground. But it happened again. I passed out.

Warner's POV:

I was sat in my office. 2 months. And I had no absolutely sign of her, of Y/N. My love. It had been brutally painful but at last, I had found Juliette as I searched for her, as well as Kent, that absolutely little dog. Disgust, utter absolute loathsome this man is.

I decided to take a break from my work and go outside to check on my soldiers. My father would kill me if he knew I, me, Warner, decides to go outside instead of working. Pathetic, that's what he'd call me. I obviously knew I was not. But loosing Y/N had absolutely broken my heart. Juliette had told me she disappeared into thin air once she fell down, that Kent decided to no catch her wanting to kill her off and keep Juliette to himself alone. Kishimoto though stuck with them to pester them. I must admit, that's the only time I think I've appreciated Kishimoto. Not that I would admit it that is. Foul of Kent to try kill off the one woman who had been able to weaken my mind and heart.
He would get punished, and he will be punished.
I do want her to be there when I do that.

And today, it seemed the Gods had decided on giving me that chance. Just as I walked out a girl fell through the sky, so familiar.. her h/c, and luscious skin peered through my eyes.
"Y/N, my love?" I spoke in disbelief.
The guards were about to go after her but I stopped them before they could. "Get away from her unless you want me to tear every limb from your body, one.by.one." I spoke in a defensive manner. And every soldier knew I was being serious about it.
I am what they fear, I am their leader.
Yet, I feel.. felt so worthless without her.

I didn't think twice, and kneeled to the ground. Barely any clothing piece covered her.. I coughed. What distinguished ways to dress Y/N.. I took my suit Jacket off as I noticed one of the soldiers staring at her. Nobody should see what is mine. Other than me that is.

I smiled, brushing a hair strand behind her ear and picked her up bridal style, because one day. One day she will be my wife.

I walked her into the building and up to my room and laid her on my bed. 30mins passed until I heard her sweet gentle voice.

"Warner..?" She mumbled.


Word count: 1046

I'm so sorry this took so long to publish. I've been busy reading and making most of my holidays with friends and family.

Goodbye, Love. Until next time!! xx

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