~ Who? ~

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Warner's POV:

My chest fluttered to her voice speaking my name. Y/N.. my lady, the woman I love oh so dearly. My Love.
I could list so many more names for her, the list is unending.
All these days, I had spent wondering where had she gone. Kishimoto had said she disappeared like the reverse of when she appeared here. And I genuinely had thought that was the end of it for us.

But no. I was wrong.

Something magical must've happened, I hadn't ever felt such joy in a very longtime, I haven't felt like this since the first day I met her. I took in a deep breath and cupped her cheek,

"Yes, it's me Love." I spoke in a calm and quiet voice, I didn't even understand why she had first runaway.

"Warner.. is that.. really you ?" Her voice sounded so weak, it worried me. She must've been in danger before coming here, or well, coming back here. This time I promised myself that I would not loose her but of course, I knew there was a small chance of that happening. The world is truly unfair sometimes. I watched her as she tried to sit up but I stopped her before she could harm herself.

"Yes, it's me. Please, don't move too much. You're fairly weak at the moment, you need to rest." I tried to avoid scaring her, I knew I had been rather rough with her in the past and that was wrong on my behalf and it would obviously happen again soon..after all I'm the commander of sector 45 and in no way am I supposed to be of any good.

I had worried for this girl day and night. The thought of loosing her scared me. The fact that she could just disappear and to go who know's where. It was genuinely terrifying. I hadn't ever been as scared as this for someone before... this girl definitely was something.

"Warner, I'm fine. I don't need more rest, I. Juliette, The boys?? Are they alright!?" She spoke as if her mind had finally connected.

"They're fine. Or well I do hope they are. We've been unable to get in contact with them." I explained a little more sternly because I didn't feel like talking about those people. The people who had made her disappear.
I was still sure I'd find them someday soon, they can't hide forever. And most of all, my father would be coming here soon. No doubt about it. If I could not find them he would behead me. And it worried me.
My father, Anderson, is one of the scariest men on this earth. He terrified everyone and most of all, he terrified everyone else.

"Lay down, Y/N. Please. Believe me you need it... we'll look for them once your conditions are intact again." I said trying to convince her into waiting. I knew she was not okay.

Y/N's pov:

I couldn't believe this man, all he wanted me to do is wait around here. Wait until time passes and it'll be too late to find my friends. I love Warner, I do. But I know I need to find them. I sensed it. Something was not right and it made me uncomfortable.

"No, Warner. I need to. I need to find them now." I was one stubborn person when it came to it. I got up and started to walk around looking for my clothes.

I felt so unbearably dizzy but it's fine. I need to find Juliette, Adam and Kenji. And I wouldn't let him get in my way just because I need to rest. It's loss and wasted time.

"Y/N." I heard him say a little more demanding but I didn't listen and started to grab my clothes. And anything I may need but he soon held onto my hand.

"Y/N. I'm telling you, this is a bad idea. You had a great fall and you were unconscious for hours. You need rest. I promise they're fine." He continued to try persuade me into giving up. I had to admit I didn't like that from him but I just let him speak.

"No Mr. Know it all. I don't think they're okay. I'll believe it when I see for my..." I immediately got a mass headache and quickly rubbed my head, sighing. "I'll see it from my own eyes. And when I do, I'll know if they're fine or not. Stop trying to convince me."

He seemed unhappy with what I said and shook his head. I swore this man was such a bitch sometimes. He's always unhappy when something doesn't go his way. Oh well... Nobody can be fully perfect. Even though he did seem perfect.

"I cannot simply let you go out there and risk you going unconscious again and then killed by anyone or anything. You're stay here or I'll go with you." He grumbled. I knew it! I had so much power over him to persuade him into anything I. Wanted.

"Finally thank you." I smiled and gave him a peck on his cheek which in his eyes sent a gleam. But he didn't smile for all that much. No surprise as this is Mr. Warner.

"Of course, Love." He said softly and started to grab his things until we both heard a knock on the door. I looked to him in a questioning way and so did he. So he went over to open the door.

"Yes, Soldier?" His voice was icy cold. It made me feel bitter. I didn't like it when he spoke like that.. it was a little scary if I didn't lie.

"Sir. Mr. Anderson is on his way here." The soldier spoke to him and it seemed as if he went icy cold. I didn't understand but it seemed as if Warner was, afraid? It seemed unbelievably impossible in his mind.
I watched him close over the door and walk forward.

"Who's Mr. Anderson?" I asked naively. And he just ignored me by walking by. "Hello? Earth to Warner?" I quickly said irritated to him.

"Someone bad. Get ready to go find them, Y/N. We don't have long." His tone scared me, it was bitter... it wasn't his warm loving tone anymore.

I knew something was wrong. And I got ready, not asking a single question.


Word count: 1067

Sorry for this long wait! I just lost motivation for quite some time but I'll try get more out and more often!! Enjoy loves! 🫶🏻


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