~ I'm not crazy? ~

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Time: ???, area unknown, country unknown.

Y/N's pov:

I woke up in a room... slowly sitting up, it seemed a soldier had fun hitting me around the place as I was unconscious once again. My clothes were but joggers and a white shirt, already stained with my own blood, and sneakers.. that were also covered in blood. I didn't like this place, I only woke up 1 minute and 13 seconds ago, a scream is heard down the hallway, am I alone? I ponder. My body finally starts waking up after everything else. I had a headache, god it hurt like hell making me automatically rub my forehead. I was now sat completely, on the edge of a bed, It seemed no one was here with me.. I started to count, 4 walls, 1 small window and a small room I shall soon start counting the size of.. that was till I got startled by a girl in the corner of the room, I looked at her.. how strange, I thought I was alone. I'm not. My guards seemed to have gone lower than ever it is unusual for myself to feel this way. I jumped hearing another scream, it felt as if someone's limbs were being torn apart. I feared I may be the next one up. The girl suddenly looked at me, she seemed scared, I didn't approach. Her breath was shaky..? Am I scaring her, Of course I am, everyone fears me, everyone hates me. I put my hands in my joggers' pockets. My notebook and necklace in it, I felt relieved after that. Thanks me to Jesus.. I cleared my throat, I wanted to know where I am.

"Hello, I wanted to know where we are?" I spoke quietly, waiting for the girl's response. She shrugged to me. She didn't know either it seemed.

I turned my head to the door knocking, walking over to it, some food being slipped in, my hand grazed the tray of food, I winced, it was burning.. fuck.. fuck.. fuck! I blew on my finger, soon hearing her voice.

"You need to wait 3 minutes, it takes 3 minutes to cooldown it might burn you.." her voice was so quiet, I nodded to her, were they doing this on purpose? Surely they are.. assholes. The tray final cool-downed and I picked it up walking over to her with the food.
"Here, we can eat now!" I spoke joyously without even knowing what joy feels like in reality. I almost touched her skin and she panicked backing up in the corner.. I raised my eye, is she alright ? She doesn't seem so. I sigh.. leaving her there with the food. I wasn't hungry anyways. And she didn't seem like it either.

48 minutes passed and soon the door opened, a man being pushed in with us. She was frozen, she was like a pure block of ice. And I decided to not disturb her by respect the man glanced at us and pushed our beds together and went to sleep on it, how unfair, how rude, not even a hi, hello? How are you ? Ugh, humans.. humans.. I despise them, my hatred for them is unlike any other type of hatred. They take everything, they destroy everything, they're heartless creatures and it hurts to admit I'm part of the humans. I sat between the bed and the frozen girl in the corner. What is up with them? Jesus. The man woke up later on.. at least 6 hours and 2 minutes later. Some sirens started as the door opened and the girl glanced at us. Speeding her way. She told us to hold onto the brim of her shirt and so I did. And he took my hand following down this black hallway she taught us how this fonctions, we were in the showers and too much was in my mind to understand but I did it fast.. the man was silent, he seemed unsure whether to trust her and I understand him. She's weird. But I'm not any better. We soon run back to our room and the door closes again. I accepted that. I didn't try to run, I felt powerless, tired.. and the hits placed on me by soldiers were more than painful. I listened to the two talking to each other. It sounded cold, neither of them accepting to share names. I decided to go sleep in a corner and wait for time to pass. Unknowing as to what was happening beside.

Adam's Pov:

I saw the girl from the corner shivering, She was familiar, I know her. We were in the same schools growing up. She hadn't changed much, she was still as pretty as I can remember, and I stayed a coward. She seemed so cold and so I took both blankets on the bed and placed them on her..
"I'm sorry for earlier.. here don't catch a cold ." I spoke softly this time. She accepted it and seemed in shock someone was being nice to her, god this Asylum is insane, my duty is insane. Nothing is okay here. The brunette girl seems to fall asleep, she clearly needed it. My glance went towards the sleeping girl, I didn't know her, apparently she had fallen from the sky in front of the army and Fletcher took care of her.. in that hitting her making her unconscious. She was an odd one, I heard the Commander of Sector 45 wanted to see who exactly this weird woman is. I moved my gaze back on the other brunette girl, she was crying so I kneeled down to her and put my hand on her cheek, I really couldn't hold back from touching her after all these years of waiting.. it was like a dream come true. She woke up and I stood in front. I told her to calm down and that she'd be alright. And so she fell back asleep, as soon as she did I started snooping in her things finding her notebook it seemed important so I noted it down mentally.. the time she had been awake scared she kept gazing at my blue eyes, did she maybe recognise me?? I wondered if she did.. who knows maybe one day he'll know.

2 weeks later:

Y/N's pov:

It had been two weeks since the other man joined us, I got to learn their names but never did I share mine because I always felt watched. It made me uncomfortable.. this morning many soldiers came in and put a gun to the man's head. Adam. She went weak.. Juliette. They told her to put her hands in the air and stand she couldn't, and I tried fighting to get her, this was the first time I fought back for someone.. the adrenaline pumping in my veins. My world went blurry as something spiked in my throat.. a sedative. My whole world crumbled again yet this time I didn't feel like I was falling but rather being dragged, hearing Juliette's screams in a distance.. it got farther and farther. I blacked out.

3 days later:

I woke up, my head spinning, I was in a small room, I thought someone had come to save us but instead I saw a soldier in my room standing by the door, he had black eyes and black hair, definitely a big hint of Asian in him. I sat up ignoring the fact that he's here. I started screaming in dread, I couldn't find my necklace.. my notebook, I panicked over and over again, my breathing getting heavy, the soldier held me down as I screamed and cried, the first time I cried in my life, people said it was from sadness but this.. this was fear. I heard the door open, I couldn't see clearly but I heard a voice..

"Now now, Love. No need to fear me, I'm here to help you. Relax.." his voice was rather deep. It was attractive but I still didn't feel secure and still felt weak, I hadn't felt my usual powers in weeks now, is this what I wished for..? To be normal.. this is far from normal. I went back to screaming, the man had to put another sedative in me.. this time it was less harsh. I'm glad.


Word count: 1391

I got this second part up! I hope you also enjoyed it.. it's the beginning of the chaos. See you Love!

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