~ Anderson ~

176 11 30

17:26 :

I was terrified.
Everything was going by so fast and Warner seemed under a lot of stress. During that hour, he hadn't given me a single word, not even a small "You'll be okay", and that scared me. From what I had understood, some man by the name of Anderson was on his way to this Base. Apparently, he was a threat, or so what I understood from how Warner had reacted to the mention of his name.
Within minutes of hearing that he was coming over here, very soon. Warner had sent me to my room with two of his men.
One stayed outside of my room, and the other on the inside, I had to get changed, and so that man had to turn around... during those minutes where he wasn't looking I quickly grabbed a blade that I had hidden in my wardrobe.
"That will work." I uttered to myself in my mind. If this man was a threat, I knew I'd feel safer with a weapon to my side.
I quickly pulled some trousers onto myself, simple blue jeans, enough to blend in, and then a white top, it had a little bow in the center, fairly cute in my opinion and made me feel more me.
And then I had to wear my boots obviously, they were Dr.Martens but it was safer to wear those if there were a fight to come along.

"Miss L/N, Warner is waiting for you downstairs. Hurry on up please." The soldier asked to me. And I cleared my throat.

"Of course, My apologies." I knew Warner was surely already stressed out enough, and as much as a part of me hated that man, I didn't want to give him more trouble than I had already given him.

I was done getting ready and slipped the blade down in my boot, although, I did keep it in protection so I wouldn't hurt myself.
I looked around, making sure I was ready. Oh shoot, I had forgotten, my hair. I quickly put my hair up, and made sure there were no bumps, only once I was ready did I walk forward to the soldier.

"I'm ready to join him." I announced to him. And he nodded, opening the door for me, I walked forward and the other one came along to my side.

If I were honest, I felt trapped this way, I did not like being held and locked in. I wanted lying freedom. At least this was better than the cell I had been put in when I had met both Juliette and Adam. I hate Adam. He's obnoxious to be around... he kept making poor Juliette feel all sorts of ways.

My hands fidgeted while I walked forward and Warner came into sight.
He was silent, seemingly preoccupied by so much, by Anderson, whoever he is.


I had sat in silence next to him. I hated silence so bad and it only made the pressure worse on my mind, the silence was threatening and honestly... it made the room feel louder.
I thought it would go on for longer until I heard commotion in the room next door. A deep male voice. Both of us raised our heads and Warner stood up, arms behind his back and head held high.

"Ah! Mr. Warner, Chief Commander of Sector 45. What a pleasure... and your little toy!" He smirked, looking at me like a prize. I didn't like it much and gave him a bitch stare. He deserved it for calling me Warner's toy. I am not a toy, let along someone's toy.

"Father." Was the only word that uttered Warner's mouth.
My eyebrows furrowed as I looked between them. Father? Anderson is Warner's father!? Fuck, he is terrifying... and I thought Warner was scary... although, Anderson didn't look too bad.

"Pathetic truly, is this seriously the girl you had ran after out there? Where is the other girl... erm Juliette Ferrars?" Anderson smiled and Warner's eyebrows furrowed more than mine had. He seemed angry.

"Anderson, if you've only come here to play with me, it would truly be disappointing." Warner responded to him.

"Well, I am disappointed that you truly decided to choose these two and loose BOTH OF THEM. Only to find one? Disgusting. I can't believe I trusted you with them. Look at this one." He grabbed my jaw so firmly and brought me so close, slamming me back into a wall, I hit my head against it, and fell down.
"Look, she's weak and so far she's got no ability nothing. Not even strength. Do better or I will be back in let's say.. 2 weeks. 2 weeks and I'll kill her if she has served no purpose and if you have not found Miss Ferrars."
His words were strong, even Warner seemed afraid. I was about to get back up until Anderson shot my leg. It was a warning.

"2 weeks." Warner nodded, affirming his words and holding the deal. He seemed so determined.
His face stayed neutral when I had been shot. I sensed it though. He was angry and worried and as soon as Anderson walked out of there, Warner ran to me. Picking me up and sitting me down on the counter of the room.
"My! Oh my! I'm terribly sorry, Love."
His apologies sounded so sincere, I didn't know if I could trust him that much yet, but the way he was reacting worried me and was tormenting me, to choose to trust him.

"Ow! Ah.. it's okay Warner." I hissed as he touched my leg, helping me as his soldier brought over a kit. He pulled out the bullet and held his hand on my mouth as a scream came out. It hurt so much. And after that he stitched it up. And covered it. He made sure I was okay and helped me stand up.
"Thank you..." I mumbled to him, and he nodded.
"Is Anderson... your father?"
I asked as if it were unreal. And he nodded.

"Yes, he's also, the Supreme Commander of the North America Division of the Reestablishment. And his warning and threats were honest. He doesn't just bark, he bites, Love." His voice seemed to worried, and unsettled. He helped me up and walked me down to my room.

"I fear a grand fight on its way, Y/N." Warner's voice was strict, and cold. I felt sick and scared.


Word count: 1081

Hey! I finally got to it, I'm really sorry for the time it took I've just been busy and unmotivated. So forgive me please, I won't promise for another part soon, but I sure will try! Although, expect more during the summer break. I will have so much more time 🤭

Anyways, I wanted to thank you all so much for all you have done for me and all of your support, comments, and favourites!

Have a great day/night and I'll see you very soon! If ever any of you have any ideas for next part of plot twists feel free to recommend. I'll happily go through them and what you'd like to see!  Xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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