~ I despise him ~

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7:30pm, the small room, ???

Y/N's pov:

I finally started waking up after 3 hours of being under the effect of yet again another sedative. They should find a different way to calm me down, this technic they use is idiotic. I sit up rubbing my head, I hear the familiar voice who spoke to me before knocking me out. I swear I don't want to sleep anymore.. anytime I sleep something happens to me. It terrifies me to think of it, it keeps eating me up. I can briefly hear what he's saying, but mostly short words mixed with mushed up with long ones. "She is de... weird, her cellmate is n......, but this one, she could be useful as a weapon." He spoke, I finally started hearing normally in the end and I gasped, holding my throat again remembering the day I almost passed, why didn't I pass, did the world want me to stay miserable my whole life, maybe so. The man finally walked over to me out of the dark, he stood around a good 6'3 ft, beautiful green eyes, as green as an emerald, I was mesmerised by them, and his hair, a pretty blond colour. He seemed to be wearing a luxurious suit as I had my rags on. I felt naked in that moment. Although, I was not. He was rather strong, I could tell from the lines of his muscles under his clothes. He is what most girls my age would surely fan about, but I can't feel that, maybe I will someday, I'm only now starting to learn emotions. I quickly backed away into the wall, a tad to much strength making a big crack in it. His eyes shined to the sight, a wide smile, a devious smile. He seemed content to see something of me, I didn't like it oh so much.

"Stay back!" I yelled at him, I was petrified, I was unfamiliar with this world, I was unfamiliar with my strength and whoever this guy thinks he is!
"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you love. As I said before I want to help you, but first I need to know your name, and a little about yourself." He was soft spoken, but it all felt fake, he was trying to manipulate me isn't he. I am not too shocked, but I wouldn't mind saying my name now, I hadn't ever said it ever since I got here, both of my cellmates unknowing my name as well.
"Do not, call me Love. My name is Y/N Witter. That's all I'm allowing you to know." I spoke in a tone trying to convince myself that I was confident, deep down knowing I was not. He laughed at me, shaking his head.
"Allowing me? Oh but who said you had a choice, Love." He persisted on the pet-name, and I gave up telling him to stop, because I knew he would never stop. He sighed for now and ordered his men to detach me from my chains on the bed, and so they did, he seemed to be a sort of leader.
"You're a fucking asshole!" I spat out at him finally, my tone emptier than it's ever been, he seemed to have froze. Crossing his arms.
"I bid you not to call me an asshole. Call me Warner." Finally I got his name.. well it sounded more like a surname but it'll do for now, as soon as they unlocked me of my chains I stood up and walked forward, standing behind the tall man. We both exited the room as I stayed quiet, not wanting to let anything escape my mouth, that would be so dangerous because I'm not even from this world. Or at least this dimension. At least I thought I wasn't. I kept my hands to myself, I didn't know how to control my strength when holding people or objects, it was best I keep them to my side. We finally walked out of the building and I took a breath of fresh air. Smiling, a smile? A smile.. a smile. I had never smiled before, I had never felt this fuzzy feeling in my chest and this amazing feeling of weight lifting off my body, was this what people called joy, it mesmerised me! But it soon came to an end once the man put me in the back of a black tinted car, and closed it over. Giving orders to the driver up front. Saying he'll be there once we arrive, odd.. this time, the hours flew by fast maybe because I got lost in my mind, once again I didn't count, something is wrong.. why am I unconcerned of where I am, it's odd, it's weird, it's incomprehensible. The door opens once we get to the big building I had once fallen beside. I clench my fists and walk out, Juliette was here, I could sense it, seeing the fear in the soldiers made me pity them. The soldier behind me pushed me forward and I stumbled ever so slightly. Catching myself on a pole. I groaned and started walking forward, at the door awaited him, the man I despise, the blondie who thinks he's god. I walk in finally, he walks next to me, following every bit of my movements, hits home..
We arrived at a bedroom, I froze seeing him leave whispering something to his soldier, I hated secrets, especially when they happen in front of me. The soldier pushed me in with the tip of his gun and closed over the door. In there I saw a big room, a wardrobe and a bathroom. Luxury, I hate rich people, I hate everyone including myself. Humans are retched beings. Selfish, dishonest and rude. That's my perception of a human being. I look around in the wardrobe, does he think I'm a slutty type of woman? I asked myself seeing all the small pieces of clothing but clearly adjusted to my size. I find it creepy yet welcoming in a way, no one has ever thought of me in this way, wanting me around.. even if this is to use me in the army, I do not care. The soldier stared at me the whole time, now that we were alone I wanted to know his name especially if he's been assigned to me.
"So.. soldier man. What's your name?" I mumbled, unknowing why I had spoken that way. I could not lie, he was rather handsome but not exactly my type.
"Private Kenji Kishimoto ma'am." He spoke in such a serious and strict tone of voice. Of course he's on the job but they're alone aren't they.. oh forget it! I walk away from him to go to the bathroom, 2 weeks without an actual bathroom.. and well with cold showers sucked ass. I took off my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror, Kenji was outside my door waiting, at least I get a minimum of privacy. I checked my neck, still being left with a tiny mark, and my body starting to recover from bruises given to me by soldiers in the Asylum. I see the shower has gotten hot and I step in, a chill going down my spine, comfort at last. I take every last dime of dirt off my body, disgusted by it. And soon I was fully clean, I hadn't seen the time passing by and dinner was going to start very soon. I started panicking, what if I get in trouble or if the food is yucky.. I slapped myself, this isn't me! I do not feel anything! Ever! I made myself numb again, making sure to unfeel everything, I didn't like feelings, I had prayed on having them for so long and now that I did.. I hated it. I soon walked out a towel wrapped around my breasts and hanging down my body. The soldier never moved, staying there and keeping an eye on me.. so I turned around and dropped the towel to the ground. Looking for a change of clothes. Dresses.. dresses and more dresses. What is up with this blondie!! Is he a pervert or something! Ugh! The soldier coughed and became red but wasn't allowed to look away, poor fella. I decided to choose a black dress, simple and quick. As I took it out I saw a notebook and a necklace falling from it. I didn't react. I just took it and put the notebook setting it down on one of the shelves. And then took the necklace putting it on to my neck. It was pretty.. so pretty. And many memories to it.
I quickly remembered I need to put clothes on so i take my underwear and bra and put them on, soon putting my black dress on, why the hell did I actually look hot in it.. Christ.. this man, oh how I despise him!

 this man, oh how I despise him!

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(This dress, without the gloves.)

I walked down the hall in my black heels, every step I took felt as if someone counted them, following my every movement and I was right, the dinning room door opened a second before I knocked. He was there. He started speaking too much.
"Why you look beautiful Love. You have great taste in clothes.. unlike your friend here still in her rags. At least she cleaned herself, here join us."  I hated the way he spoke of Juliette but enjoyed this.. being complimented, someone actually looks up to my tastes.. how sweet.. we sat down and started dinning.. but she.. Juliette seemed unsafe.. I got lost in my thoughts because of it..

Words: 1617

Hey I hope you enjoyed it Love. See you next time :)

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