~ Run away..? ~

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Reestablishment, sector 45, 02:15am:

Y/N's POV:

I had finally awoken in my room, I could see a figure with black hair in the corner of my room which caused me to freak out and jump out of bed.

"Chillax the cacks, kid." He speaks, I finally come to understanding it's just Kishimoto. I roll my eyes God, why him! At least it's not Warner here to behead me.

"Kenji I swear to fuc-" I get cut off by his hand covering my mouth as he hushes me with a sign to his mouth, his finger pressed against his lips..

"Shhh Princess.. I had a chat with Adam and Juliette. We're busting you three out of here. I might join yous if I can, but no guarantee." He grinned snickering. My eyes are bewildered by this information. Freedom, I miss that. I nodded almost immediately.
"You guys are leaving tomorrow when the windows are open, Aaron leaves them open at a certain time to let fresh air in... well fresh is kind of a lie but you know what I mean." He chuckled, geez? Finally he's being useful. A part of me is happy he won't come with us another is sad because I want have this funny man to annoy me anymore.

"That's amazing... I trust that it is all set up then, I'll go sleep. Goodnight Kishimoto."
I walk back to my bed and fall dead asleep. Kishimoto acting grumpy on his side because I didn't call him Kenji.

Reestablishment, Sector 45, 13:20:

I'm wide awake, ready to leave this shithole. A part of me is unable to think that I shall be leaving Warner behind.. this feels like a one nightstand which was something I had never wanted before. Though, I know that for my safety, and Juliette's safety it's best to run away before he can even touch us, or kill us.. torture us. Juliette was walking to her room Adam following behind, Kenji nodded to me to go in with them, Kishimoto had managed to move my items to their room so the escape is done with a lot more ease. I didn't ask him how he did it considering Warner's bedroom is right beside my own.. which is weird as well. I quickly made my way to their bedroom and closed the door behind, I put my thumbs up for Adam to make the alert so we have time to escape.

The alarm starts ringing and I start to panic, I wasn't fully prepared like an idiot and in less than a second Adam, Juliette and I are trying to get out, Juliette is refusing to jump out of the window, I sigh though it's cut short by a gasp, I see Aaron running in with Guards, he's yelling at Adam but my panicked mind is unable to hear, I feel the blond man grabbing my arm.. I fight back, I want my freedom, his words are but mumbles to me, my head is buzzing from the loud Alarm.

"Don't leave me, Love! Don't you dare!" He's screaming at me, almost crying I believe. But I don't think twice to numb my feelings and use my strength to push him away, Juliette and Aaron have jumped, and so.. I jump too. Uncaring if someone catches me or not, those two were already running and I felt betrayed, a loophole started again, and I was yet again teleported somewhere.. back to my apartment.

I feel my breathing getting heavier, and stifled cries begging to scream out of my throat, I finally had friends, a life.. and someone who wanted me. It's crazy to my mind, I never wanted to come back to me. It hurts so much and my first instincts is to look for anything that could kill me. Something that would send me back to that world. But I can't find anything. I hold my knees up to my chest, mumbling and sobbing.

"No no no no no.. I finally.. I finally had friends, maybe love, a life, actual genuine feelings! Why can't I go back lord, please I want to go back!" I'm screaming and taking deep shaking breaths and choke on my own sobs, to not forget everything I note it all down.
Tomorrow I will go to the Eiffel Tower, and I will end it there, jumping into La Seine and hopefully it will bring me back to Adam, Juliette, Kenji and hopefully.. Warner.

Word count: 746

Sorry this chapter is a lot shorter but I promise I will try make the next one longer, Love.

Till next time <3

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