I Did Something Bad

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"Wanna hang out today after school with us?" Preston asked me as I was walking to lunch.

"Sure," I said and walked to our usual table. Rachel, Maggie, Colin, and Preston had invited me to hang out with them a few times in the past but I'd never been able to because I always had something going on after school. I finally have a free afternoon today. "Let me just text Taylor so she knows. What are we doing?" I asked him as I pulled my phone out.

"Just hanging out at my place. That's what we usually do." He said. I nodded to let him know that I was listening.

S: i'm gonna hang out with my friends after school today
T: Which ones?
S: preston, rachel, maggie, and colin
T: Sounds fun! Text me what time I should pick you up and where.
S: maggie said she can drive me home
T: Oh perfect! Just be home by 11 tonight. Have fun!

"Taylor said okay," I let them know. "I just need to be home by 11."

"Sounds good," Maggie said.

After the dismissal bell rang, I made my way over to the library, which was where we all decided to meet up. When I got there, everyone else was already there.

"Ready to go?" Rachel asked us.

"Yep," I said and started walking to the parking lot with everyone else.

"I'm so excited you can finally hang out with us," Maggie said to me.

"I am too!" I said. Maggie, Rachel, and I climbed into Maggie's car while Colin and Preston got in Preston's car together. We then followed Preston's car back to his house.

"My parents aren't home right now and they won't be until next week," Preston said as he opened the door for us.

"And this is why your house is the designated hang out spot," Colin high fived him.

"I'll be right back," Preston said and disappeared into a different room. The rest of us sat down on the living room couch.

I looked around the room while we waited for him to come back. The ceiling is very high with a big fan hanging down. There's a fireplace across from the couch that we were sitting on, and a TV right above it. On the fireplace were multiple picture frames. I found out that Preston has 3 siblings - 2 sisters and a brother. They also have a picture of 2 dogs so I'm guessing they're either somewhere in the house or with the parents. The living room is mostly white with some beige. Overall, it's a very clean and organized space.

Preston came back a few minutes later with a box full of bottles and some ziploc bags in his hands.

"What are those?" I asked.

"Some drinks and stuff to make us happy," He grinned. He laid them all out on the table. They were alcoholic beverages and drugs. Real, illegal drugs. I have never drank or done drugs before, and I never planned on doing them either. They're illegal. And I hate breaking rules. The four of them grabbed the drink and the mystery substance without hesitation. I sat there, still staring at what was on the table.

"What's wrong?" Rachel asked.

"Have you never had alcohol before? Or gotten high?" Preston asked.

"No," I shook my head. "It's illegal." I said quietly.

"Come on Sky. Have some fun! Everyone does it in high school." Colin said and pushed some my way. I looked up at the four of them.

"We do this all the time and we're fine," Maggie said.

"We'll make sure you're safe," Rachel assured me.

My brain was telling me not to do it. It's illegal and it's unhealthy. Breaking rules is bad. But I also didn't want them to think I was lame for not doing it. They'd never invite me ever again. I wish Taylor was here with me.

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