Chapter 7 // Johnnie

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I don't know what came over me (other than Kyle ;)). Somehow, I ended up giving him a handjob.

Sure, it wasn't' the first handjob I've given, but this is Kyle. I've liked him for who knows how long and he's the most innocent guy I've met.

When we woke up, Kyle was on his back and my head was on his chest. I quickly moved away to the other side of the bed before he woke up or Bryan decides to walk in. There's no way he'd let us live that down. Especially after the first time.

I'm pretty sure that Bryan suspects something, but he hasn't said anything that wasn't a joke.

"Johnnie?" Bryan asks, sticking his head through the door. "I'm heading over to Robby's to film something real quick, I'll be back in a few hours."

I just nod and try to pass off having Kyle in my bed as normal. It wasn't normal though. I was holding back from cuddling up next to him like I had been only minutes before.

When I get bored of waiting for him, I stand up and walk to the bathroom. For some reason, I always have to have clean teeth at all times. Damon calls me weird for it, but he's the one that really needs a haircut so I'm not really trusting him with hygiene things.

Once I have my teeth perfect, I go to the kitchen and look for something to eat. I won't admit this to anyone, but I wish that we had healthier things in our apartment. Don't get me wrong, I love pizza and cereal, but it gets old after a while.

With much disappointment, I decide to walk to a coffee shop just a few blocks down. I was all ready to leave when I figured it would be best to see if Kyle wanted anything.

I sit on my bed, next to Kyle. He looked so peaceful in his sleep and I wanted to take a picture but that's considered creepy.

"Hey, Kyle, did you want anything from that coffee shop?" I ask, softly.

"I'd like to go with you if you can wait five minutes." Kyle tells me, sounding groggy and incredibly tired.

"Yeah, I'll be in the kitchen." I brush some hair away from his face before standing up and scolding myself.

He probably doesn't even like you like that.

I stay with my word and sit on the kitchen counter, scrolling through Twitter for a while. Kyle comes out a few minutes later, wearing my t-shirt.

How does he look better in my clothes than I do?

"Ready?" I ask, hopping off the counter.


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