21 - Three Old Ladies

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When they got back to the school, and waited for the busses, they were left to do what they wanted until thier parents picked them up, or until the school buses were ready to leave, and as they waited, Mr Brunner called Percy over.

"Percy, look don't be discouraged about leaving the school. It's for the best." Mr Brunner told Percy gently. 

Percy looked down at his shoes. He knew he wasn't going to be allowed back at this school after summer and he didn't know where the next school he would be able to go to would be. "Okay sir."

"I mean," Mr Brunner started and moved his chair back and forth nevously, " this  isn't the right place for you. It was only a matter of time." 

Percy was jurt by what his favourite teacher was telling him. He knew he didn't belong in normal schools, however he had hope for this school, esspecially when Mr Brunner had constantly saying that he believed in him, and is now saying it would of never of worked out for him here, his eyes stung.

"Oh, what I mean to say Percy is that your not normal." Mr Brunner said trying to fix things.

"Thanks." Percy blurted. "Thanks a lot for reminding me sir." 

Percy walked out of Mr Brunners classroom, before he could say anything else and went out to the school field while he waited for his pops, and Grover came over and they started talking and then, Grover saw three old ladies nitting, then look directly at Percy before cutting the string and he started to freak out.

Grover insisted on leaving with Percy, but Percy was spooked out about his friends behaviour and the by the time his pops showed up Grover needed to go the bathroom and Percy left without his friend, he felt a little bad about it, but not overly so.

"How was the trip bud?" Bucky asked pulling away from the school, and Percy saw Grover in the side mirror.

"Good." Percy said almost quietly.

Bucky glanced over at his son, noticing that he had spaced out slightly. "Did something happen?"

"No." Percy lied.

Bucky glanced at his son again, confused. Percy had never lied to him before, and he had no idea how to handle this, so he decided to let it go for now, and to talk to Clint about it later, he had kids, he would know what to do.

"So, remember last summer we went and stayed up in a cabin on a beach, well how do you feel about doing it again this year?" Bucky asked after some silence.

"Really!" Percy suddenly got really excited.

"Yeah, bud, really. Just me, you and Alpine."

Percy's smile was huge and he pretty much forgot about Grover, Mrs Dodds and about what Mr Brunner had said to him, and he was now thinking about what they could do while at the cabin, they could have a bonfire, make smores, go swimming in the ocean and try surffing if the waves were big enough.

The entire drive back to their house Percy thought about the trip and ran to go pack his bags for the week, the moment the truck stopped. Bucky chuckled at his sons eagernes as and loaded the truck with everthing they needed, and Percy threw his bag in the back before grabbing everything for Alpine then got in the truck.

Bucky got in the truck after him and placed Alpine in her car seat, before driving down to Sally's apartment so Percy could see her before they left. It was a quick visit, mostly because Percy really didn't like Gabe, and to be honest neither did Bucky. The main reason Percy didn't like him was because he could of sworn he saw him hit Sally once, and then straight up lied about it to him, but he also didn't like him because he swore that there was no such thing as blue food and Percy then made ut his personal mission to only eat blue foods around him and only wear blue.

After leaving Sally's, Percy got back in the truck and they headed to the cabin, and it started to rain really heavily, and thunderboomed constantly, the only thing that Percy didn't notice and found strange was that there was no lightening. When they got to the cabin, Percy helped his pops get everything inside and they dusted of all the furniture, started a  fire in the fireplace and started to relax.

Bucky then made them food, and Percy read a book to Alpine, still sitting by the fire, until eventually his words slurred and blended together and his eyes closes and opened and his head started nodding. 

Bucky smiled fondly at the sight, but took the book out of Percy's hands and told him to go get ready for bed. Percy didn't fight his pops on it and went to go brush his teeth and got his PJs on, before going into his room in the cabin and invited Alpine up onto the bed. Bucky tucked Percy in and kissed him goodnight, before going to bed himself.

A/N Hey guys, another chapter for you. Not my best work, but at least its there and I bet you can all guess what chapter is next. Anyway thank you guys somuch for sticking to the story, I really appreciate it.

Any way I managed to sunburn my feet yesterday when I went the beach and the weather here in Wales has been way to hot, esspecially with our humidity, and working in a kitchen in this heat isn't exactly fun, but we're managing. I'm currently living in my best friend's caravan until the end of summer when I am going to be moving in with a family member in England, and in November, assuming I get my passport soon, I'll be going on holiday to Greece with my best friend and her boyfriend, who is unofficially our boss, and it freaked them out when I pointed it out, but I think its kinda funny especially since my friend is the bossy one both in and out of work.

Thanks for reading guys, and I'll see you next time.

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