Chapter One

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Nobody knows what happens when we die. Some say we go to heaven or hell. Some say we go to limbo and get reincarnated. Some say nothing happens, you just are. Maybe if we don't know it'll be easier. Maybe we don't know because our expectations are too, high and if we  did we would be disappointed with the nothing of it all.

He Died in the crash.

I remember even though it went by in a blur. 

We were driving. It was midnight and he was driving me home from a party. The fog was heavy, and it was hard to see a foot ahead of you. The truck came out of nowhere. It was swift and abrupt. Weightless. We were weightless. I think the car flipped. The ringing in my ears was deafening. I could barely hear the sirens approaching. I turned to look for David and there was nothing. Just broken glass and an empty seat. I remember being pulled from the car. I remember faintly of a light being shone in my eyes. I remember one stretcher. My stretcher.

He died in the crash.

It hit me like a ton of bricks as I began to fade. Not towards death. Not towards peace. Maybe it was my subconscious telling me it was time to rest. Maybe it was the impact of the vehicles colliding.  Whatever it was, it took me in a dark inky blackness. A void.

It's bad to hope for death.  But in that moment - In this moment - I wanted to be with him. I wanted to warn him. To tell him to turn around. We shouldn't have gone to that party.


Lights. So many lights flashed over my head. Sound began to flood. Beeping of machines. People speaking in hushed tones. A womans muffled voice filled with sorrow. Mom. 

Even if I could barely recognize her voice.  I knew it was her.

I'm not dead. I am not dead. I'm alive. My heart is beating, and blood is pumping. I didn't die.

But he did. 

My eyelashes fluttered as I willed the strength to open my eyes. Everything was blurry but, a gasp of shock cleared everything. Suddenly I was wrapped in a rose scented embrace.

Did it hurt? Yes. Was I going to tell her that? No.

"Annie?" Mom shrieked, her voice trembling. "Annie, do you know who I am?" she questioned as she pulled back and stared at me with a tear-stained face. "Why wouldn't I?" I rasped, my voice sounding broken and dry. Just those few words sent her into more tears. "Honey, there was an accident," She sobbed "The doctors said you might not wake up." I starred at her blankly. "I know mom," I explained, and she stopped crying abruptly. "You, know?" She asked to which i nodded. How could I forget? It just happened. Right?

"Annie, you hard brain surgery, and the accident was over five months ago." she said calmly.

Five months. I've been asleep for five months. They would have had his funeral already. I missed it. Two chances to say goodbye and I missed it.

"Did you go to the funeral" I asked my voice breaking into a shallow whisper.

Mom cocked her head to the side in confusion. "What funeral, sweetie?" She looked confused and worried. "David's" I whisper as a tear drops from my eye. "Who's, David?" Mom asked. 

My heart skipped a beat. Maybe it's the trauma of the loss. Maybe its denial.  Maybe its both.

"David, mom" I stated "My boyfriend of two years? He was in the crash. He was driving. David!" I shouted as my words got louder and louder and she looked at me in such a way I cannot describe. Worry? Guilt? Pain? Nothing.

"Annie," Mom spoke softly as she took my hand, squeezing it tight. "You were the only one in the crash that night."

AUTHORS NOTE: And thus, our mystery begins! Thank you to anyone who read my story, please share if you liked it. Tell your mom, you dad, your sister, your brother, or even your second cousins' gerbil! Love you all and hope you enjoyed!

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