Chapter Five

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My heart thundered out of my chest at the thought of it. Why didn't I realize? it before? I tried to slow my frantic breathing, but I couldn't. It was too much.

I'm dead.

I am dead.

Dead, dead, dead.

'David is alive and well' the words rang loudly throughout my head. They never said anything about me. They never once said, I was okay.

I sat on the thought of death, how I'm still here.

I've never been afraid of death, the idea actually kind of seemed nice. Not in a suicidal way just in a peace kind of way. I always thought that in death you would be free from your worries and troubles. That, you would be one among the cosmos and the stars, free. And who doesn't want to be free? Onto the question of how I'm still here. I refuse to accept the idea of becoming a member of the walking dead so, zombie is out of the picture. I haven't seen a identical twin walking around here so, there goes the clone idea. As I thought on it, my gaze shifted to my IV.

The IV

Doctor Shing wouldn't say what was in it. I've been hooked up to it since I woke up and probably before that, as well.

I slowly and gradually lifted my hand to the IV in my arm. But before I could do anything further the door slide open.

My heart stopped. My breathing halted at the sight of him. The one true love of my life, my savior and my hope.

"David," My voice came out shaky Tears stung my eyes but, did not fall as he came closer and sat on the edge of my bed. "Hey, Annie" His voice sounded different yet, the same. "I missed you; the doctors said you were awake and okay for visitors." I nodded reaching out and grasping his hand but, immediately pulled back.


Not just cold, his hands were like ice, never to know the touch of warmth.

He tilted his head to the side as his lifeless eyes stared into mine.

"What's wrong Annie?" He asked. Don't trust them. I shook my head as I said "Nothing, my hands are just cold." A lie and a bad one.

He didn't question it as he moved on and asked, "Did you miss me, Annie?" The eerie calmness of his tone was enough to make me cautious with my reply. "Of course, I missed you David, what kind of question is that?" He sat up straighter reaching out and grabbing my hand with his ice one. "A question with a question" he said as he traced circles on my palm. "David what's wrong with you? Your acting... different." A tear slipped from my eye as he next replied "Different can be good Annie, maybe I'm not different. Maybe you're different and the rest of the world is the same as it was." My heart broke at his words. The truth behind them. The realization that he knew. "What did they do to you?" My voice barley a whisper.

"They saved me" He said as he stood and left without another word.

Saved him?

What was that supposed to mean?

I couldn't hold back the storm of tears anymore. I clenched my fists as the tears fell free. I Don't want this. Any of this.

With that thought I reached over and ripped the IV out of my arm. Whatever it is, it's keeping me here.


At some point in my tears, I drifted away into the comforting embrace of sleep.

I looked around checking my surroundings to find, nothing. I'm alone in the darkness once more.

Or so I thought.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hello my sweets! Thank you for reading so far, it really means a lot to me.

I hope your enjoying getting left on cliffhangers :3

What do you think will happen next?

What's going on with David?

Is Annie really dead?

Find out next time on, remember me!

Comment and vote! And don't forget to tell everyone you know. Yes, that means your sisters, cousins, stepdads pregnant dog Sophia.

See ya in the next one my loves!

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