Chapter Four

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I didn't dream this time. At least I don't think it was a dream, more like a memory. Flashes of school dances, fights, stolen kisses, parties. All with him. A man. He looks so familiar.

"I Love you, Annie." The man said looking at someone. Me. Who is he? I can't quite remember. "I Love you too, David."


It all came flooding back into my mind. David. How could I forget. Everything I am everything I was, is because of him. Suddenly the memories of the crash went by.

I was driving. Alone. I had left the party drunk and alone and decided to drive home. I caused the crash. Nobody else was there. David. David is alive and well. He's at home, he didn't go to the party. It was just me.

The memory faded to nothing once more leaving me to myself. I gazed at my arm where I had slashed it. It had completely healed over like it had never happened. What's wrong with me?


The sound of hospital monitors filled my ears as I was brought out of my foggy sleep. I blinked as the light of the room temporarily blinded me. I could see the outline of a figure standing before me. With a few more blinks they came into focus. Doctor Shing. She had a wicked, small smile planted on her cold face.

"Annie, are you feeling alright?" She asked as she approached me further stopping right beside my hospital bed which, I was now laying in. I didn't answer. How could I? She assessed me up and down noting I wasn't going to speak. "You could have hurt yourself getting out of bed like that, you're not well Annie." Fake concern laced her features. Though, I found myself nodding despite not caring. "How's your head feeling today?" Doctor Shing asked "Alright, I guess." Why am I answering her? She nodded before walking over to the IV that was, once again in my arm.

She tapped on the drip feed before nodding in assessment. "What is it?" I asked hesitantly. She turned to me, her face lacking all emotion. "It's just for your pain." Her voice cold and lifeless. "But what is it?" I know I shouldn't be pushing the matter but, I couldn't help it. "That's none of your concern, Annie." I was going to retort back but she continued "What do you remember Annie?" I wanted to yell at her, ask her for why she was avoiding my question, why she would be bringing up the crash again but, for some strange reason, I found myself answering in a sweet yet dull voice. "I was driving that night; it was just me." No. No, no, no. Thats not what happened. I can't speak. Why can't I speak?

"And, what about David?" She asked. A test. This is a test. "David is alive and well." I was able to say. Tears stinging the back of my eyes. "He is, alive and well." I don't know why I said it a second time. Maybe I couldn't stop myself. Maybe it was a confirmation for me too.

She stared at me for a moment before nodding as she turned her heel and began to walk for the door and then stopping with one hand, on the handle. "I'm sorry it has to be this was Annie. I truly am." And with that she was gone.

Confusion cradled me like an infant. I don't understand what's happening. Why it's happening.

I just want to go home. I want to see him again. I want to see David.

David is alive and well.

Fear rattled though my bones. David is alive and well. But what about me?

No blood.

No pain.

Strange memories.

The darkness.

And then it clicked.

I'm dead.

ATHOURS NOTE: Hello to all! I just wanted to come and say, thank you all so much for reading. You really don't understand, how much it means to me. This chapter is dedicated to my bestie, you know who you are, I hope your shook and screaming reading this chapter. Don't hate me lol. But like always, tell everyone you know to check this out! Thats includes you psychotic friends -Yes, that means the one who's doing a witchcraft in their closet- Once again thanks for reading. Catch you in the next one!

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