Chapter Six

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My breath was nonexistent at this point. No words could describe what I'm feeling. I wasn't alone in the darkness.

But I wasn't with David either.

Standing in front of me was myself.

A perfect mirror.

A glimpse at what was- or is.

I raised my hand, and she did the same. I took a step forward, she did as well. I took a deep breath and said, as quite as a mouse "What are you?" My voice shaky. She was wearing a hospital gown, as I was. Nothing could tell us two apart.

"I'm you." She replied, almost scaring me with my own voice.

She can't be me. I'm me. I walked toward her slowly, closing the small distance between. Raising my palms flat up, she did the same, pressing our hands together. My gut churned as I asked, "What are you?"

She paused, thinking on what to say.

"That's hard to answer, I don't think you'll understand." Understand what?

"Please- I need to know what's going on" I sounded desperate but it's the truth. I don't think I can take it another day. She sighs, pulling her hands back as I did.

"It's a long story and, you might not be able to fully comprehend what I'm going to tell you.' She said to which I nodded.

Taking a deep breath, she began to fill me in "I'm you, but I'm also what should have happened, and what did happen." Past, present, and future. "What do you mean, 'should have happened?'" I asked. "Well, I can't really give you the details on that... But I can tell you that this was not supposed to happen. We were supposed to be okay."

We were supposed to be, okay?

"The crash?" I questioned and she nodded before continuing, "I'm really sorry, this wasn't supposed to happen." I didn't move but, she did. Grasping my hand in hers. "Annie, there's only one way to escape." I looked at her questionably attempting to pull my hand from her grasp. "You can't trust them Annie, not even David. Don't believe what they say." I started shaking my head "I don't understand.'

The darkness began to fade into light and her grip pulled tighter.

"Annie, I have to tell you before it's too late-" She began to fade along with the darkness so I gripped her hand tightly. "Annie, they're not-"

Suddenly I was awake again. My breathing was ragged as sweat poured down my body, my hospital gown drenched and my hair sticking to my face. Standing in front of me was a pissed off looking doctor Shing but, as she noted my eyes her expression quickly changed and softened into something fake and sweet.

"I hope you slept well."

AUTHORS NOTE: Hello my babies! I'm sorry this chapter was soooo short, but I promise I'll try to make the next one longer. I hope you've enjoyed your time with mirror Annie. Let me know in the comments what you think! You guys really don't understand what it means to me, were almost at 100 reads!!! I can't thank you all enough! So, with that being said, don't forget to tell everyone you know! That includes the random strangers you've been chatting with at 3am of the internet (They're pretty cool heyyy bestie) Anyways, that's all for this one.

Cya in the next!

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