Chapter Three

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Darkness. A void lacking lights. It's empty yet, it holds so much. It holds the secrets of the way we once were. The way we are. The way we want to be. It's everything and nothing. The darkness can be a beautiful thing but, if you try to control the dark it may just be your undoing.

"Annie?" A voice called out. I Turned to it but there was nothing. Just the nothingness of the world. "Annie?" It called again sounding like an echo. "Annie!" The voice now sounding clear as day. I know that voice. "David!" I shout back "David where are you? I can't find you!" Wind began to roar in my ears, my auburn hair loosely whipping around me. I took a step before falling to the ground. Crunching under my knees alarmed me. I glanced down at the horrors that await.

Blood and broken glass.

Not my blood though. Not mine. His.

"Annie listen to me," David shouted. I whipped my head around to see him but was met with more inky blackness. "Annie, don't trust them" He sounded so close and yet so far "They're lying, it's not me! I can't come back." He sounded like he was in pain having to speak those words "I don't understand, please - just, come to me!" I spoke with tears stinging the back of my eyes "I'm sorry, Annie. They're not who you think they are, you need to wake up. Don't forget. Remember me, No matter what!" And with that he was gone. The wind instantly vanished. The blood and glass, no more. 


I sucked in a sharp breath as I woke in my hospital bed once more. I felt a singe of pain in my right arm. The IV is back. Pumping my body full of whatever fluids, they want.

I glanced at the large glass doors leading out of the barren room. Mom was talking to some woman in a lab coat, presumably the doctor. The conversation inaudible. Both with strange bleak expressions on their faces. They turned to me in perfect syncretization, almost like they felt me watching them. Mom nodded to the doctor as she turned and walked away. The short woman then entered the room, shutting the doors behind her and then approaching me.

"Hello, Annie." The short woman said as she reached a hand towards me. I hesitantly shook her ice-cold hand before yanking mine back. "I'm Doctor Shing," She explained "Your, neurologist. I was the one to preform your, operation." She stared waiting for me to give some indication that I was following so, I nodded. "You took a heavy blow from the impact of the other vehicle. It was a drunk driver, they hit head on, they swerved into your lane. You're a very lucky girl, Annie." She continued "Your injuries were severe, we had to preform emergency surgery. It was risky but, you seem to be recovering very well."

 "I talked to your mother, and she informed me you believed that your boyfriend, David Grus, was involved in the crash. Would you mind talking to me about that?" She asked calmly

Davids words echoed in my ears. 'Don't trust them' But that was a dream - No - A nightmare.  "David was driving, we went to that party together. I remember." I said quietly. Doctor Shing nodded, scribbling something down on her clipboard. "And what happened to David in the crash?" She asked "He died" I answered as a tear fell from my eye. Once again, she jotted something down on her paper. "Did your mother inform you that, David is alive and well?" More questions. 

Alive and well. Those exact words actually.

Don't trust them.

Instead of answering I said in a calm manner but with rage lacing my words "What's the point of these questions? You know well enough that I was informed I'm crazy."  No reaction. Just more scribbling. More scribbling. "We just need to see how well you, memory is, Annie. You did just, have brain surgery." She didn't even look at me as she spoke "Your IV fell out before, we had to replace it." I took a steady breath before speaking "It didn't fall out." I said clenching my fists "I took it out." That got her attention. She eyed me strangely "And what happened when you took it out?" A trick. That was a trick. I'm not playing into this. I can't. For him.

"I'm done with your questions." Was all I said. She left the room immediately, not bothering to question me further.

I realized I was still squeezing my fist so, I released. My nails dug so deeply into my pale flesh there were cuts. No blood. There should be blood. 

This time I managed to swing my legs over the bed, pulling my IV with me. I shuffled over to the glass doors that peered out into the lobby, pulling the vintage floral privacy curtain shut. I quickly moved over to where the supplies cabinet was. I suppose it's there for quick use of patients.  Scalpel. I need a scalpel.  Rummaging through the drawers as quietly as possible I was only able to find medical scissors. That'll have to do.

Deep breath. It'll only hurt for a second.




A quick slash to my skin.

No pain.

More importantly.

No Blood.

A Strange scent flooded my nostrils, and I was pushed into a state of sleep once more. Something's going on and, I'm going to figure it out.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hello my dear sweets. I hope you enjoyed. I'd like to say that I do not have a specific uploading schedule so I could be uploading three chapters in a day or three in a week. It just depends on how busy I am. Anyways, Love you all! Thanks for reading and don't forget to tell that uncle who you've been avoiding at thanksgiving (It's okay we know he took the turkey) and anyone else you know. See ya next time!

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