Chapter Two

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Confusion swept over me like a tidal wave. What does she mean I was the only one in the crash? David was driving! I had a little beer at the party but, David was sober that's why he drove. I Know what happened. I remember. Right?

"Mom," My voice sounding strained and weak "What happened to David" Tears freely running down my face as I spoke. "Annie," Mom said shaking her head "David is at home. Like he was when you were in the crash." Denial. It had to be. He died. He was dead. I knew he was dead.

"He came to visit you for the first, three months," She continued as my hot tears ran harder "But, when the doctors said that you might not wake up..." She sighed heavily "He couldn't stand the thought of you dying so, he hasn't been back. It was too much for him." I began shaking my head, but she went on "The doctors said you may be delusional if you were to wake. I promise you, David is fine."

Delusional. I'm delusional. I Just imagined us dancing at Noah Barks, house party. I Imagined us singing showtunes on the drive home. I Imagined the scream I let out as the impact knocked the wind out of me. I Imagined the silence and fear. I imagined his empty seat covered in shattered glass. Delusional. I'm delusional.

"I need to rest." Was all I said. Mom nodded and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Press the call button if you need anything, I need to call your brother and let him know your awake." With that she left.

Alone with my thoughts I wonder why it felt so real. So vivid.

David is fine.

I scanned my surrounding's spotting a wall phone on the opposite side of the room. Maybe I should call him. Maybe he'd like to know I'm okay.

I attempted to move my legs off the bed but, I was hit with a strong wave of fatigue. There's an IV in my arm. I don't feel any pain so, maybe its morphine? Or just fluids. Whatever it was I didn't care. I ripped the IV out of my arm. No blood.

No blood.

I'm not bleeding.

What happened to me?

Fatigue stronger than before struck me. Darkness took over swiftly to cradle me like a child. My last thoughts of him. What he's doing. Where he's at. What he's thinking. That, he can even be doing anything.

David is alive.

And so am I.


AUTHORS NOTE: Hello my lovely's! Sorry if the chapter was a bit short, next one should be longer! I hope everyone is enjoying the mystery of Annie and David so far. As I've said before, if you liked this, please tell all you know. That includes you third aunt who brings the bottle of purse wine to Christmas. Thank you for reading, see you in the next one!

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